Flashing the bios
Registration date
Sunday August 31, 2008
Last seen
March 31, 2009
Sep 3, 2008 at 10:17 AM
brakers Posts 117 Registration date Sunday August 17, 2008 Status Member Last seen November 29, 2009 - Sep 3, 2008 at 10:47 AM
brakers Posts 117 Registration date Sunday August 17, 2008 Status Member Last seen November 29, 2009 - Sep 3, 2008 at 10:47 AM
- Flashing the bios
- Asus factory reset from bios - Guide
- Acer bios flash - Guide
- Check bios version - Guide
- Bios password reset tool download - Download - Other
- Kiosk bios - Guide
1 response
Registration date
Sunday August 17, 2008
Last seen
November 29, 2009
Sep 3, 2008 at 10:47 AM
Sep 3, 2008 at 10:47 AM
Hi There
Taking the steps you ask about makes sense only if you have something to gain. If you can't get a piece of hardware to work--especially one that's newer than your PC--carefully upgrading your BIOS may be worthwhile.
The Basic Input/Output System chip on your PC's motherboard has program code necessary to run your computer. The BIOS chip is almost always flash RAM, so it is simple to upgrade using a program that "flashes" it with new code. Things can go wrong during the upgrade process, however, and the new version may introduce incompatibilities.
Before you decide on an upgrade, weigh the benefits against the effort involved and the risk entailed. The first step is to determine the manufacturer, number, and date of your BIOS. You can find this information in Windows by clicking Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System Information. Then click the plus sign next to "Components" and select System. Alternatively, you may obtain the BIOS information when you boot your computer. Press Pause as soon as text appears on the screen; on most computers you'll see the BIOS manufacturer, number, and date. Write down the information, and then press any key to resume booting.
Your next step is to go to your system vendor's Web site and look for BIOS information for your PC model. (If you have a no-name clone, go to the motherboard manufacturer's Web site.) The information usually appears in a section of the site labeled "Technical Support", "Free Downloads", or something similar. If a BIOS upgrade is available for your system, read the description provided.
The upgrade file is usually a.zip or self-extracting.exe file. Instructions for the upgrade are probably stored in a "readme" file or somewhere on the Web site. Follow the instructions very carefully.
You'll probably have to put all the files required for the upgrade onto a bootable floppy disk. Then reboot, follow the vendor instructions for backing up your existing BIOS, and run the program that does the actual upgrade.
A power outage or other unexpected interruption in the flash process can corrupt the BIOS code. If you end up with a half-written BIOS, you'll have to use the backup copy you just made to reinstall the original. If your system won't boot, you'll need a BIOS-flashing machine or a new BIOS.
At he end of the day its your dissision but I would advise if everything is going OK leave well alone.
If you do decide to flash you BIOS please let me know how you got on.
Hope this helps
Kindest Regards Tony B.
Taking the steps you ask about makes sense only if you have something to gain. If you can't get a piece of hardware to work--especially one that's newer than your PC--carefully upgrading your BIOS may be worthwhile.
The Basic Input/Output System chip on your PC's motherboard has program code necessary to run your computer. The BIOS chip is almost always flash RAM, so it is simple to upgrade using a program that "flashes" it with new code. Things can go wrong during the upgrade process, however, and the new version may introduce incompatibilities.
Before you decide on an upgrade, weigh the benefits against the effort involved and the risk entailed. The first step is to determine the manufacturer, number, and date of your BIOS. You can find this information in Windows by clicking Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System Information. Then click the plus sign next to "Components" and select System. Alternatively, you may obtain the BIOS information when you boot your computer. Press Pause as soon as text appears on the screen; on most computers you'll see the BIOS manufacturer, number, and date. Write down the information, and then press any key to resume booting.
Your next step is to go to your system vendor's Web site and look for BIOS information for your PC model. (If you have a no-name clone, go to the motherboard manufacturer's Web site.) The information usually appears in a section of the site labeled "Technical Support", "Free Downloads", or something similar. If a BIOS upgrade is available for your system, read the description provided.
The upgrade file is usually a.zip or self-extracting.exe file. Instructions for the upgrade are probably stored in a "readme" file or somewhere on the Web site. Follow the instructions very carefully.
You'll probably have to put all the files required for the upgrade onto a bootable floppy disk. Then reboot, follow the vendor instructions for backing up your existing BIOS, and run the program that does the actual upgrade.
A power outage or other unexpected interruption in the flash process can corrupt the BIOS code. If you end up with a half-written BIOS, you'll have to use the backup copy you just made to reinstall the original. If your system won't boot, you'll need a BIOS-flashing machine or a new BIOS.
At he end of the day its your dissision but I would advise if everything is going OK leave well alone.
If you do decide to flash you BIOS please let me know how you got on.
Hope this helps
Kindest Regards Tony B.