Hello, i have the problem that I am starting computer it says "NTLDR IS MISSING PRESS ANY KEY TO RESTART".how to fix the problem? I have using windows xp.please anyone dont mark it as solved until I have an answer.
How do I fix a XP computer which has the following message; Verifying DMI Pool Data..... NTLDR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+ Delete to restart. I believe I may have removed a system file accidentally when I was trying to remove programs to speed up the computer as it was very slow. Please someone help me solve this problems once and for all.
Hello, sir last week my system shows ntldr is missing i try to repair but its not work and i formate my pc its working now but if this errow comes means how could i comes out give me solution i saw some web sites for help they give in cmd i does not have that knowlege to use it so0 give me any tool please healp it sir thanking u by ...
Hello, On my laptop I have windows xp and suddenly this morning i receive a message as NTLDR Missing Please press Alt Cntl Del / Nothing happens after that, I tried using my winxp bootable CD. I am unable to reach the repair section. It stops with error and blue screen. There is no way i can find to reach the command prompt to copy the ntldr files. I have important projects on this laptop and wish to get the files please. Kindly help this is important to me.
Hello, I have installed Win 7 but didn't like it. Then I tried to go back to Win XP. For that I took out the Hard Drive form my PC and pluged into another PC to format. After format I pluged into my previous PC and tried to install Win XP. But PC turned on with 'NTLDR is missing' restart machine message. Please help me what to do. Thanks Nahid Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
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