Chinese Balckberry 9700 (2 Sim)

Man - Jan 31, 2010 at 04:31 AM
 Y.Jones - Dec 11, 2010 at 04:16 PM
I have BB 9700 chinese brand, i not able to connect wifi, i have wirless modem, when i search connection my moden was shown, and its was connected with server, in main screen i can see wifi connectivity symbol, but when i m going open browser or site, Massege came " Internet Connection Failed " Please help me. how to slove this problem?

2 responses


Just like any one's problem, they are able to connect to free hotspot/ wifi locations, however, they cannot open their opera browsers... This might be a new solution...

To begin with, I would like to thank our friends here in this blog thread who really finds time to reply and give answers to all questions regarding some problems in connecting to wifi or opening opera browsers using blackberry clones...

First, we have to set all our web profile and java settings to wifi connections... How to do it? Just scroll to this blog thread and you will see instructions on how to set wap profiles to wifi and same as with the java setting...
There had been a thread before giving instructions on how to set java and wap profile to wifi...
here it is:
3. Do the same thing to the other sim
4. Go back to the main menu
6. Set select sim to either sim1 or sim2
7. Set Java SIM1 Profile to WIFI
8. Do the same thing to the SIM2
9. Go back ang go to JAVA (applications)
10. You will find your browsers
11. Click options fo your opera mini then choose network profile
12. Select SIM (Choose either sim1 or sim2, doesn't matter)
14. Do the same thing in JAVA SIM2 PROFILE
15. Go and launch it... enjoy surfing!!!
Instructions just in case your opera is still not working for your phone...

1. Go to any hotspot location. (If you are living in the Philippines, examples of which will be net cafes who has wifi logo, coffee shops such as starbucks, fast food chains like burger kin, malls like SM and a lot more... any location who has wifi icon)
2. Now, go to the main menu of your blackberry clone phone.
4. You will fine Wireless LAN and Bluetooth (This might vary since we do have different models for blackberry clones so just F.Y.I., I'm using blackberry 8900 curve clone) With this, kindly choose WIRELESS LAN
5. You will find, Disable LAN, Wlan, Status, Access point settings, Search for networks. Choose SEARCH FOR NETWORKS and connect with any free wifi connections... For every one's info, free wifi is being noted by an icon that is without a lock figure...
6. Once connected, go to the main screen and select opera mini, open it and enjoy...
*** Oooooppps, when you encounter something that states that your opera mini cannot be open because there is no internet connections, then there might be something missing in the settings. This is just what I've found lately... But I do not promise that it would work on your phone. I hope it will...

2. Then open WLAN STATUS
3. You will find series of numbers and the name of the wifi connection that you are connected with... look for the connection signal. Usually, it is being described by numbers and a statement like "VERY POOR" or "GOOD" or "HIGH". If the note is "VERY POOR", then it might be the reason why you are not able to open the opera mini... It is suggested to go to other location that has the highest wifi signal... If the comments are ''GOOD" or "HIGH", then kindly proceed to the next step... (F.Y.I., for some blackberry clones, "VERY POOR" connections may still work in opening opera browsers, so just try doing step 4 as well)
4. REFRESHER: Right now we are still in the WLAN STATUS, and we are seeing series of numbers. NOW, kindly copy the numbers under the DEFAULT GATEWAY, or any keyword that has the word GATEWAY... It usually has this kind of format: Just in case you find, numbers, then better look for other wifi connections.
5. You can memorize it or write it in a piece of paper to take note because it is important... NOW got MAIN MENU>SERVICES>WAP>SETTINGS>PROFILES>EITHER CHOOSE SIM1 OR SIM2 OR YOU CAN DO THIS IN BOTH SIM PROFILES TO SECURE CONNECTION
6. Find the WIFI connection. If you have followed what our friends here have shared to us, by now, it should already be in checked and set as the primary connection for SIM. For us to continue the procedure, kindly click 'ok' and you will find Activate Profile, Edit Profile, Delete Profile
8. You will find Profile Name, Home page, Data Account, Connection Type, Username, Password. Choose CONNECTION TYPE.
9. You will find HTTP and WAP. Choose HTTP.
10. You will find Use Proxy, Proxy Address, Proxy port. Choose USE PROXY and select Yes.
11. Choose PROXY ADDRESS this time and key in the number you have written in a piece of paper. This is the gateway number. (F.Y.I., this is not a guaranteed instruction, coincidentally, this just worked for me so if you find a default number in this part, just write it in a piece of paper as well as a back up copy of the default number for this connection.
12. I don't really know what to write in the PROXY NUMBER... but I just key in 80 and it work for me.
13. Press BACK and if the phone would ask you to save settings, then just click YES.
14. By now, I hope your opera mini would work... GO to the main screen and click opera browser...
15. Usually it will load for quite a time because if your already connected to the wifi, your opera will install itself... AND THERE YOU GO, ENJOY SURFING...
**Please have some feedbacks... This is not a guaranteed instruction, this is just what have worked on my phone... I even loved my BB CLONE Phone now than it was before...
JUST EMAIL ME AT acolyteoftheyouth@yahoo.comand and I will try to answer your questions... GODSPEED...
oooh i thought i never gonna solve this problem because it hasnt a mark name for searching in google
thankyou mainn you really helped me!!