Wireless network

honey - Feb 4, 2010 at 04:27 AM
dawooddoe Posts 404 Registration date Saturday February 21, 2009 Status Member Last seen November 12, 2010 - Feb 13, 2010 at 06:35 AM
sir i m using a router at my home with which i connect my 2 systems.my neighbour want to use my router so i wanna just him to use my router .can i hav such type of settings thst i can allow myself to all who wanna use myy router except router password.
i mean any 1 who wanna use my router must get permission from me .kindly guide me that how i can add computers to my network that can access my router.

4 responses

Blocked Profile
Feb 4, 2010 at 05:26 AM
Hi there,

Please be more clear and provide more information.

dawooddoe Posts 404 Registration date Saturday February 21, 2009 Status Member Last seen November 12, 2010 109
Feb 4, 2010 at 08:27 AM
You can set wireless encryption key (prefer WPA2) on your wireless network, after that only provide the key to the person you allow him/her to connect to your wireless network, but you can't control if they share the key with others. Here is wireless router configuration example with encryption set, you can take a look if you like.
but sir the person who take key from me can give it to others.i just wanna allow him to use my router.can i set a system that every 1 accessing my router should get permission .when i click on allow then he can use my router.means i will b notify that the person iz trying to conneect through ur router .do wana alow him or not.
dawooddoe Posts 404 Registration date Saturday February 21, 2009 Status Member Last seen November 12, 2010 109
Feb 13, 2010 at 06:35 AM
Ok, maybe you can also enable MAC address filtering on wireless router by only allowing that computer's MAC address to connect to your router only.