Black screen

Joe - Oct 2, 2008 at 01:09 PM
 Joe - Oct 4, 2008 at 03:22 AM

Iv just put a PC 2 getha with bits of some old 1's from school and have finally got all pieces however, when I turn it on (bearing in mind that the hardware is spread all over my desk with no case) the fans on the psu and cpu go fine, there is a green light on the hard drive and a red light on the corner of the MOBO saying standby underneath it. But the monitor does not show n e thing, just says "no signal" tried uther monitors same prob, tried diffo g card, tried diff psu and also tried cleaning ram etc. Any Ideas?


1 response


try doing a hard reset on it...take out the power supply and the battery or any other peripherials plugged into ur nb and then hold down the power button for about 40 seconds to a minutes without lettin it go....then plug in the power supply and the battery and try turnin it should come on..if this doesnt work then try bootin into the bios and resettin it...or try the safe mode and reinstall the graphic driver....
thanks for the tips but the battery out/on off switch thing didnt work.
How do I boot from the bios?
