Dreamweaver help

Mary46 - Feb 4, 2008 at 03:05 AM
 shuzan - Mar 15, 2012 at 02:17 PM
I start working on my website using Dreamweaver 8. When using a table border the border has two lines. Is there a way to get this to a single line.

5 responses

You just need to change the border table in the Table properties box (from two to one).
Can you provide the specific instructions on how to change the table border from 2 to 1. For the life of me I can't do it. I'm using dreamweaver CS4. Thanks Steve
Hello that seems very easy to do...but I can't do it. Can you provide specific instructions?
It is actually really simple. Just click in the cell and down at the bottom the cell properties setting show up. Click on the cell border color and change it to the color of the background you are going to use on your website. Ex. if your background is white, turn the cell border color to white. Hope this helps.
hi there

on my Dreamweaver CS4 it doesnt give me the option to change my border colour in my properties tool bar. and i cannot find it anywhere else. so how do i change the border colour?
Please help..
unfortunately there is a background color box, but there is no border color box.
Loot at the Right -Down for the dreamweaver cs4
you will see two symbols ? and then the ARROW,

click on the ARROW and then you will see the properties inspector for cells.
I think This helps.
I have the same problem and the thing is that the option Border Color is´t there. I can´t find a way to activate that option. It´s gone, disapeare!
Any Ideas?
I have the same problem and the thing is that the option Border Color isn´t there. I can´t find a way to activate that option. It´s gone, disapeare!
Any Ideas?
Hi there

with CS4 you actually have to go into your coding and add in there bordercolor="#000000" or border="1".

that was the only way i managed to do that or you can work from your css styles panel if you can..

Hope this helps
l232323ee > berry
Feb 18, 2010 at 11:51 PM
where do we put the backgroundcolor="#000000"?
l232323ee > l232323ee
Feb 18, 2010 at 11:53 PM
i meant the bordercolor.
its so easy just change the cellpadding into zero as well as the cellspacing....i have tried that...;)
niceeee & informative post. i think it ur post is most informative for everyone. specially for me. thanks for sharing.
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