Someone please help!!!

extremelyfrustrated! - Mar 15, 2010 at 12:08 AM
gazmakka Posts 6 Registration date Thursday March 25, 2010 Status Member Last seen March 25, 2010 - Mar 25, 2010 at 03:03 AM
I have been trying to get music from my ipod onto my computer and back into itunes since my computer crashed and I lost everything on itunes. I have followed every step and got as far as getting music from ipod saved onto hard drive in a new folder. The only step left was to drag and drop or add to itunes library. I tried this step several times and nothing happened. I then opened itunes music folder and put it in there. Still nothing. I then saw the folder in the itunes folder entitled "Automatically add to itunes" so I thought I would drag and drop folder in there. Still nothing. But now, my folder full of music is gone. Its not in the "automatically add to itunes" folder, the music never copied into itunes library and I can't find it anywhere. Now I want to cry! Is it lost forever? Where did it go? Is there anyway I can find it again? Now my ipod is empty, and itunes is empty, and thousands of songs gone!!! Why does itunes have to be so complicated!!!!
If anyone could help me I would be so appreciative!

2 responses

Try to search in My Computer..type ".mp3" or the file extension of your music files, w/o the quotes, then will look up all your music files. hope it helps
gazmakka Posts 6 Registration date Thursday March 25, 2010 Status Member Last seen March 25, 2010 2
Mar 25, 2010 at 03:03 AM
extremelyfrustrated!,,,,,,,,,,What Operating sytem are you using and what version of iTunes?
Its a shame that you didn't just use the "Import" option available in iTunes to get your music files transferred from iPod to iTunes.
Your music files have not just disappeared, they are still on your hard say that your iPod is and why is it empty.....did you delete all your files from it? If you did and you haven't written anything new to your iPod the files can be recovered using a Data Recovery tool such as GParted Live CD ver or any other Data recovery tool Can be a bit tricky to follow but you can get advice here.
When your computer crashed, did you reinstal your operating system and all other apps/programs...................or is it still the way it was before it "crashed"
How exactly did it 'crash'? What happened?
Also, the advice from both Euric and Genu7ne is excellent. One of their methods should show the whereabouts of your music files.
Good luck...........I know what its like to lose loved music files.....been there twice, once when a womans 9 yr old son decided to stick the Operating system CD in my computer DVD drive and thinking it was a game, played all the way up to the " Enter 25 digit product key".............which he didn't have but he'd manage to read enough to get past the 'FORMAT' HDD.
Next time I did it myself. lost 398GB of music on an 1TB external HDD. I was applying a Drive letter to a new partition( Disk) and of course wiped the entire drive of 8 partitions. (8 DISKS!!!!...stupid program!!! It said if I changed a drive letter it would wipe the 'Entire Disk'. Ok I thought as there were 8 "Disks" on the 1TB drive, Disk J/K/L/M/N/O/P and the new one I had created...Disk [partition] NO drive letter)and it was totally empty of data. That was the Disk I wasn't worried about wiping clean.
Freaked out big time....but asking advice on Press F1 forums got me directed to the GParted Live CD and I managed to figure out how to rebuild the partitions and recover all the music files and heaps of programs that I had saved up on the drive/s.
I waffle on
good luck and post back how you are getting on.