E:/ is not a valid win32 applicaiton

Jai - Oct 15, 2008 at 09:18 AM
 Devesh Sharma - Aug 9, 2013 at 11:41 AM

I have inserted my USB drive into my PC running with windows XP. While I am trying to open USB drive (E:), I am getting the pop up window stated that "E:/ is not a valid win32 application".

I have tried with autoplay, explore and open options. I could not able to open it in the windows explorer.

Finally I accessed via search options. I able to access the files in the USB drive via search option in the right click menu.

Please help me to solve this issue.
(Note: If I plug the same usb drive into another PC, I am able to open it).

8 responses

Hi jai good afternoon and happy new year.
It is very easy yaar just go to run-type cmd
and run the below command in all driver that u can not open and getting such error. try it it will work 100%
c:\>attrib -r -s -a -h autorun.inf
c:\>del autorun.inf
and also delete the rescylced folder and boot.com file.
and reboot the system.
and also check ur virus defintion and run a full system scan becoz other it will again create this type of files.

Have a good luck............
How I can run these commands in Windows XP?
very good and working solution

thanks a lot

it has worked . thanks so much.
it really worked..tnx
what is that , 'run'?
hi friend
just go to run type cmd
go to the drive as for example
e:/>attrib -s -r -h -a autorun.inf
e:/>del autorun.inf
this command works on xp 2003 2000
have a good luck
and I m sure that will solve ur problem if not solved plz let me know
the method you've recomended it works. thx
hey I'm trying e:/>attrib -s -r -h -a autorun.inf in cmd but it says access denied. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot :). It's really a helpful solution. Have a good day then ^^
Sandeep Posts 87 Registration date Friday October 10, 2008 Status Member Last seen July 5, 2012 47
Oct 16, 2008 at 01:34 AM
ur PC has a virus dude....clean it....& dont insert pen drive in frnds PC ...virus will spread....pen drive is active device....& just wait for others rply here!!!
i have the same problem with my usb pen drive.
it gives me the same error "not a win 32..." with any pc I insert it in.
scan all for virus.
none found.
i have too this probleum which is caused when I scan my computer for virous and my all drive did not open and a message displayed "it is not a valid 32 bit application" if some one has a solution plz. write me
e:\ is not a valid win32 application in pen drive getting this message please give the proper solution
Try this as well, First download AVG Free Virsion 8.0 then,update AVG, now scan you computer, after scanning go to results and delete, you should be able to access all drives, however, the virus is still present, even if you used Flash Disinfector the Virus is only removed Temporaily.
Try this to Verify what I'm saying, )go to safe mode) How to get in safe mode! First turn off your computer then began tapping F8 a dos window will appear, now go to (SAFE MODE) not SAFE MODE NETWORKING now try to click on that drive, oops. Now Scan you computer in safe mode using AVG 8.0 if you have multiple drives and want to scan individually use the second option and second box Type the drive letter, example T:\;Z:\ This scan some of windows files then only the selected drives.
Once scan is complete restart an go to AVG Resutls and delete. Once again to veriy that the virus is gone go back to safe mode and click on that drive you should be able to access drive if not go throuth the process again it will totally remove this virus. AVG IS TOTALLY FREE AND WILL REMOVE THIS VIRUS
Good luck....
If you go to Explore window instead of opening it directly, it will work.
thank u very much
Sinyomah > asaad2010
Nov 20, 2009 at 05:32 AM
Dear friends ,
I faced the same problem -my flash disk ,what I did was:

- My computer/selected flash"F"/right click/chose "Explore"/Ok.

Another alternative:

-My computer/Select flash"F"/right click/open folder view files using windows Explorer/OK.
Sinyomah advice worked the best!
mikethedike Posts 158 Registration date Saturday August 16, 2008 Status Member Last seen September 22, 2012 41
Mar 1, 2010 at 06:43 AM

this is what u have to do

log in to the net from another pc/laptop

copy and paste the below given address onto the IE address bar and hit enter


(note: u might get a small yellow notice on the top of ur window asK ur permission to download this file

just right click on the yellow tab and select "download file"


save onto ur HD

copy it to ur usb or any removable devices

then attach it to ur infected comp
and copy the file in the desktop or anywhere u like on the HD

once done run the exe

and follow the instructuions

once installed a window pops up

under the AUTOSCAN tab

select the primary driveS (eg C, D, E ..etc)

(Note: if u want any of ur SD cards or ay removable storage devices to be scanned for the same attach them to the comp and selct the revelant drive to it)
then selct start scan

bt default it automatically removes the harmful files

once the scan is complete

close the prog

the prog then, self un-installs itlef from ur comp... leaving only the installation file on ur HD

and u need to restart ur system

ur problem should be solved by now

awaiting comments

Melisio Mascarenhas
mumbai India