My task manager for troyan virus

fair3130 - Oct 19, 2008 at 10:04 AM
 Ruffy003 - Mar 26, 2014 at 08:35 AM
I was following all of the steps E-bomb gave about how to get rid of the trojan virus that takes over your desktop screen. I followed all of the steps, but once I got to ending the process in the task manager I realized my tsk manager is missing ALL of the tabs at the top to choose from. Therefore I cannot choose the processes tab to end the process. PLEASE HELP me get around this problem becausethe virus hasbeen on my compuer for weeks!

12 responses

These may the problem with group policy

For enable task manager do the following.

There is a registry hack to enable or disable Windows NT TaskManager. The same registry hack applies to Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
Name: DisableTaskMgr
Value: 1=Enable this key, that is DISABLE TaskManager
Value: 0=Disable this key, that is Don't Disable, Enable TaskManager


Click Start
Click Run
Enter gpedit.msc in the Open box and click OK
In the Group Policy settings window
Select User Configuration
Select Administrative Templates
Select System
Select Ctrl+Alt+Delete options
Select Remove Task Manager
Double-click the Remove Task Manager option
And as I mentioned above, since the policy is Remove Task Manager, by disabling the policy, you are enabling the Task Manager.

Then For enable the folder option

On the left, go to User Configuration.
Then, go to Administrative Templates.
Then, go to Windows Components.
Then, go to Windows Explorer.
Finally, on the right disable the option of "Remove the Folder Options menu item from the Tools Menu".


My problem is the same except that I dont even able to see the system option in admiistrative template. Cant acess the task manager and regedit.
Worked, Thank You!
hi jain,
i followed your trick for "For enable task manager" but I didn't enable task manager.
do u have any another way to solve this problem?

thanks works fine with me..
thanks it work
now I can access taskmanager :D
Your problem is simple as easily fixed.

1. Open the taskmgr by START>RUN>taskmgr.exe
2. Now you have the taskmgr running without tabs.
3. Double-click on the empty upper border of the window.

I found this info at
Worked for me.
WoW! what an easy problem to have fixed! Mine too disappeared after having a virus on my computer and I was thinking I was going to have to reformat my PC or something to get the tabs to show again. Thank goodness! appreciated you posting this, thanks!
pCube Software Solution
Apr 1, 2010 at 07:27 AM
Good Answer, Thank for your Ans
halo..why when I start RUN> cannot just a while and I cannot do anything..please help me..
start>run> type gpedit.msc

User Configuration>Administrative templates>system>Ctrl+Alt+Del Options
Double Click on Remove Task manager then click disabled --> on Xp

User Configuration>Administrative templates>system>log ON/OFF
Double Click on Remove Task manager then click disabled --> on Win2000

then try again the task manager
this solution doesn't work... task manager on gpedit.msc is already disabled... + my regedit is also f***** up... registry editing has been disabled by your administrator.
i also tried to enable it and then disable it again... nothing works. what now? I can't find any virus on my system
Nov 10, 2008 at 02:33 AM
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Use this registery key to enable Windows Task Manager
i need to enable task manager
PINTU > nishi
Jan 19, 2009 at 08:01 AM
Feb 16, 2009 at 08:52 PM
mann u saved my computers life !!
man thanks a lot ur the best !!! ur a genious I wouldn't do it myself never and my compu is full of troyans and the only way to make them disappear I sthe task manager and clining it obvsly but I don'y have time for that thanks a lot
Thank you for you time.

I am not able to click on the start button at all. I just have a screen of icons and unable to open anything.
any suggestions how to get in to enable the task manager
you have type wrong words my dear , every person cant understand this yaar
ok fellow this
"""""* Click Start, Run,
type gpedit.msc and click OK.
* Navigate to this branch:

User Configuration / Administrative Templates / System / Ctrl+Alt+Delete Options / Remove Task Manager

* Double-click the Remove Task Manager option.
* Set the policy to Not Configured."""""
I have a very serious problem .Please provides me its solution. Both of my TASK MANAGER & REGEDIT (REGISTRY EDITOR) enabled & when I type on Start->Run REGEDIT to open REGISTRY EDITOR & want to check it then message come & computer will Restart. & same for TASK MANAGER. From internet I check & find many solution for both but when I implement for one moment TASKMANAGER option show enable , When I click on it to see Processes it give same above message & computer Rrstart . I think there are some very harmful virus which disabled them .I have installed AVG latest verson but it does not catch virus which disabled both TaskManager & Regedit .So please provide me its better solution if you have. I apply this solution & many others from net but all can not solve this problem.

I am too facing the same problem.
Unable to launch my taskmanager and registry...

If u have got some solution, then let me know :)
hi I am facing the same problem. and my computer said that my task manager has been disabled by my administrastor. please help me.
Swagger > ksn
Apr 15, 2009 at 11:31 AM
hey dude... even I am facing the same problem... and I did get a solution but it didn't work for me... i'll handover the solution to you and you too try it out... and if you do get and other solution that does work please email it to me at: Email Id removed for security

NOTE : Email Id removed for security is my fake id and I'm using it since my original is filled with over 10,000 junk mails...
simple way go run/gpedit.msc/administrator templates\system the show many option click on the

(prevent the access regedit and then click on it

show the box and click on disable \ apply and ok

now same way re change not configured

if run box not appear

goto c:\windows\system32\ select the cmd.exe

then type the gpedit.msc
My task manager can't access and my computer is slow
my task maneger is auto matically hide what is solution
try for help in windows and type

the word Task manager

it gives a list of options select Task manager

it opens a window select

Open Windows Task manager

thats simple one




select user config

administrative templates

ctrl+del options

remove task manager


select disabled
Hey, I have same error for regedit and Task manager thing.. but someone gotta help me, When I got to Admisntrative Templates I find system then I click on it, I find 3 things only.. doesn't Inculde any of stuff like that you say like " Ctrl+Alt+Delete" Option
Just Download "Smart Virus Remover.exe"
it is a little software of size 4kb.
folder option,taskmanager disable....very this will be alright.
Even can remove virus like autorun.inf from ur Flash drives.
Use malwarebytes antimalware to scan
It will remove the infection :)
It could just be that your task manager is running in "quiet mode" or whatever. It freaked me out. Cusser is right about this one - if you have no tabs, just try double clicking on the grey bar at the top of the task manager.

Could be something else. Sounds like it for GoingInsane
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166
May 2, 2010 at 04:46 AM

Download, install and run Malwarebyte which you can find on this site:

Ensure you make an update.

Please request a FULL system scan, which may take about 90 minutes.

When the scan is completed, delete all items found.
i have the task manager listed with image names like xq8i.exe,vrt27 and many such files .i have virus in my when I tried to delete all those files I receive a warning message that this will cause system instability ..can I just give endprocess will that effect my pc.
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166
Apr 24, 2010 at 06:04 AM
I would not recommend your solution, but would proceed with a non destructive system restore or disinfection with Combofix