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1 response
1. Open IE. Go to TOOLS>INTERNET OPTIONS> ADVANCED> RESET... This is going to reset IE8 to default settings.
2. If #1 does not work, uninstall adobe flash player 10, restart the computer. Then go to youtube, if the prompt for activeX controls come up, enable it, then go to and download FP10, making sure that OS is XP.
3. Another way of doing it is getting rid of IE 8. Uninstall in Add/Remove programs. If browser upgrade does not work, you can do a rollback.
1. Open IE. Go to TOOLS>INTERNET OPTIONS> ADVANCED> RESET... This is going to reset IE8 to default settings.
2. If #1 does not work, uninstall adobe flash player 10, restart the computer. Then go to youtube, if the prompt for activeX controls come up, enable it, then go to and download FP10, making sure that OS is XP.
3. Another way of doing it is getting rid of IE 8. Uninstall in Add/Remove programs. If browser upgrade does not work, you can do a rollback.
Nov 11, 2010 at 07:59 AM