I can't use Realplayer to download now

susan_cd - May 24, 2010 at 02:06 AM
 Me - Oct 12, 2012 at 12:47 PM

When I visited websites showing video clips, I used to just place the cursor over the video & Realplayer would allow me to save the clip to my hard drive.

Now for some reason I can't, even tho in Realplayer's preferences I set it to "show the Download this video button" on mouse-over.

Any suggestions or solutions?


4 responses

you can access the download button else where.. IDK why sometimes it doesn't show like if its adobe flash.. But heres how to access the DL button IN REALPLAYER BROWSER

1) Open Realplayer
2) In the top right corner should be a search button.. type anything in there and press enter
3) An address bar should show up.. you can just copy and paste the WEB URL aka http://xxxx.com/
into that
4) Go to the video and VOILA the button is there.. or just right click video and see if you get the button

NOTE: GOOGLE CHROME won't let me download Youtube Videos anymore with realplayer
6 months ago
That's why I can't download videos anymore, because I have Chrome... :O Now with your advice now I know what the problem was. Thx! :)
What did you do? May I know? I do have the same problem.
Damn,that does work! Thank you.
xander, you saved my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It works deliciously....
xander, you saved my life too!!!
RealPlayer always worked for me with Google Chrome until the last Adobe Flash update. That messed it up and I can't come up with a fix for it.
If I want to download a video I have to do it using Internet Explorer, which still works.
tennisboy1222 Posts 16 Registration date Sunday May 23, 2010 Status Member Last seen May 26, 2010 5
May 24, 2010 at 12:23 PM
It happens sometimes when you install something new or use Windows Update.

Your best option would be to uninstall real player and install it again by downloading it from the website:

Nope, tried that ( thanks for the suggestion btw) but the problem is still there.
MAOCHA60 Posts 1 Registration date Monday August 20, 2012 Status Member Last seen August 20, 2012
Aug 20, 2012 at 05:24 PM
Thanks for your message..the realplay can not play DVD Disc either.I want to use replace for windows media player,if media play can play DVD Disc I will move realplayer soon.I just need to replace mediaplayer
mediaplayer can play CD but not play DVD disc.that for I want.
please,let me know.