Conditional formatting of a column of cells
- Conditional formatting of a column of cells
- Clear only the formatting from the selected cell (leaving the content) - Guide
- To change conditional formatting that applies a red fill color to one that applies a green fill color, which of the following can you do? - Excel Forum
- Apply conditional formatting to the selected cells ✓ - Excel Forum
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- Excel conditional formatting if another cell contains specific text - Excel Forum
2 responses
Hi Richard,
Try this:
1) =IF(G2<TODAY(),IF(H2<>"Completed",TRUE,FALSE),FALSE)
Format: red cell, red bolt text.
2) =G2<TODAY()
Format: red cell, red text.
For your third condition you can't use G2 as a reference, cause when G2 is blank it's also earlier then today. So look for another cell which is also filled and emptied the same as G2, let's say F2.
3) =F2=""
Best regards,
Try this:
1) =IF(G2<TODAY(),IF(H2<>"Completed",TRUE,FALSE),FALSE)
Format: red cell, red bolt text.
2) =G2<TODAY()
Format: red cell, red text.
For your third condition you can't use G2 as a reference, cause when G2 is blank it's also earlier then today. So look for another cell which is also filled and emptied the same as G2, let's say F2.
3) =F2=""
Best regards,
Jun 3, 2010 at 10:56 AM
=AND(G2<>"", H2<>"", G2<TODAY(), H2<>"Completed")
The above says that if G2 is not blank and H2 is not blank and G2<today and H2<> completed
and second
=AND(G2<>"", H2<>"", G2<TODAY())
The above says if G2 and H2 is not blank and G2 < today
Jul 16, 2010 at 09:39 AM
Just want to thank Rizvisa for providing a cleaner solution.