Export or email excel worksheet
I'm trying to write a Macro so that I can use a command button to automatically export a range of cells from a variety of sheets in a workbook. I pretty much know how to select the ranges and everything. But I need some help with exporting the information to a totally separate workbook, or emailing the information. I want to use a command button (which I know how to set up) so that my students can click on the button to run the macro that will do this.
If someone could help I would appreciate it.
(I have Excel 2003)
I'm trying to write a Macro so that I can use a command button to automatically export a range of cells from a variety of sheets in a workbook. I pretty much know how to select the ranges and everything. But I need some help with exporting the information to a totally separate workbook, or emailing the information. I want to use a command button (which I know how to set up) so that my students can click on the button to run the macro that will do this.
If someone could help I would appreciate it.
(I have Excel 2003)
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May 31, 2009 at 04:52 PM