Why does our account keep randomly following additional users every few weeks?

Coach - Jan 20, 2021 at 01:17 PM
Elena Keracheva Posts 1152 Registration date Wednesday November 4, 2020 Status Member Last seen October 28, 2021   - Jan 22, 2021 at 05:08 AM

I help run an instagram account for our company (DeepGameBasketball). We typically are only following 1 person (Kobe Bryant). However, every few weeks there seems to be someone else who is added to our "following" list. Our (few) team members have confirmed they haven't been doing this manually. Could there be some sort of reason/glitch to explain why this is occurring?

Our account is not connected to any third party apps.

Coach S.

1 response

Elena Keracheva Posts 1152 Registration date Wednesday November 4, 2020 Status Member Last seen October 28, 2021   900
Updated on Jan 22, 2021 at 05:09 AM

I'm sorry to hear about your problem - apparently many Instagram users encounter the same issue. Here are the most common reasons:
1. You have logged to a platform that uses your details to provide followers to people who pay for this. Solution: check the authorized apps by logging to your Instagram account from your computer. Click on your Name -> Edit Profile -> Manage Applications -> Revoke access.
2. Your account has been hacked. Solution: enable the Two-factor authentication. You can also change your password from your PC.
3. What seems to be a glitch: your account follows automatically other accounts with content related to your liked posts or to your hashtags. I don't have a solution for this.

Unfortunately, users report problems when it comes to communicating with Instagram, saying the app doesn't provide enough support. Also, even though this doesn't seem to be your problem, keep in mind that unfollowing a great number of accounts within a small period of time will make you follow them again automatically.

Good luck !