How to get the word from cell in Excel

querysiva - Aug 7, 2010 at 11:29 AM
rizvisa1 Posts 4478 Registration date Thursday January 28, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen May 5, 2022 - Aug 7, 2010 at 07:19 PM

In the Below passage how to find and get Account no:xxxx and Register no: XXXX in new cells for in the Excel sheet

A1 Cell contains

Rajesh Account no: 1234 and Register no: 4567 and xsd fkls ldk fsk ldfkskdl. Senthil Account no: 3234 and Register no: 7568 dkfjals dkfj klsdk asdk skd Ravi Account no: 1244 and Register no: 4167 yoiusdfjsk sdfjksdjklfs sdjfklsjklf .


Account no Register no
1 1234 4567
2 3234 7568
3 1244 4167


1 response

rizvisa1 Posts 4478 Registration date Thursday January 28, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen May 5, 2022 766
Aug 7, 2010 at 07:19 PM
Could you please upload a sample EXCEL file WITH sample data, macro, formula , conditional formatting etc on some shared site like ,, , etc and post back here the link to allow better understanding of how it is now and how you foresee. Based on the sample book, could you re-explain your problem too