Sd card stuck in sd card slot - won't come ou

madcannz - Jan 22, 2011 at 11:04 PM
 Arty - Jan 30, 2011 at 07:05 PM
probably a stupid question - managed to get the dummy sd card that came with the dell inspiron 1721 into the laptop wrong way up, it is on a slight angle, if its pushed you hear it click, but it won't come out, it is stuck, I don't want to force it out and damage the pins so anyone has any ideas how to get it out???? thanks

1 response

lmao i have so done that exact thing luckily it was in my desktop so i just opened the case and used a pin to remove it carefully from the other sidechances are you could just wiggle it while pulling slowly not exactly much you can break in an sd slot but if it clicked its prolly stuck on part of the plastic of the sd card on the side where the locking tab is