
su - Dec 1, 2011 at 09:00 AM
rizvisa1 Posts 4478 Registration date Thursday January 28, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen May 5, 2022 - Dec 1, 2011 at 11:41 AM

I have two columns in excel sheet.

column1 , 2

1541671 A
1541672 A
1541673 A
1541674 A2
1541675 A
1541676 B
1541677 C
1541678 D
1541679 D
1541680 S
1541681 D
1541682 R
1541683 E
1546183 G
1541670 A

in this table row 1,2,3 are having value the A.but it is wrong.i want row1=A only
how can i identify those.please reply me


1 response

rizvisa1 Posts 4478 Registration date Thursday January 28, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen May 5, 2022 766
Dec 1, 2011 at 09:23 AM
you need to explain more. Why row 1 needs to have A and not row 10. What row 2 should have etc.
row 10 also having the value as A.for example 1541670=A is correct,remaining 1541671,1541672.....=A is can i solve this me
rizvisa1 Posts 4478 Registration date Thursday January 28, 2010 Status Contributor Last seen May 5, 2022 766
Dec 1, 2011 at 11:41 AM
and what is correct and what is wrong, how one can tell ? You know what is right and not. Program will not unless some thing tells the programs to use the logic. Whats that logic ?