My laptop won't start

Andy - May 6, 2008 at 02:52 AM
 bob - Oct 19, 2012 at 04:00 AM

i think I got a virus. I was on Firefox when my computer spontaneously shut down. When I try to restart it the computer tries to restart but then shuts down again within a few seconds. The computer doesn't even have time turn the screen on again before it shuts down. Please help!

78 responses

I have the same problem but mines goes like this..

i have HP dv2000, I opened it, it's working fine & smoothly, no virus memory is good. and then I started to browse the net using firefox, after 5mins, it hangs I got blurry mix images on the screen, so I turn it off. after 15 mins I opened t again, but it's not rebooting anymore. I have the same problem back then but after 15-20 mins my laptop works.. but this time it's not working, I already took off the batteries, still not working.. I waited 2 hrs & re-opened it again, but no response. all I can get is the lights, no sound etc.. please help me...
Hi Andy,
With your laptop you have a disc called system repair,place this in start it up let it repair,if this does not work you may have to put your start up disc in a set everything up again,hope you saved your important stuff,
Goodluck,hope you get it going, regards Tony.
the screen wont turn on all the light are on but theres no image on the screen..the light wont turn
I too have this same issue. The HP Email support told me it was a Hardware malfunction. They, however, cannot assist me as my warranty expired in December. I, obviously, feel a hardware issue should be fixed at anytime, but especially within 2 months of expiring. They disagree. I can't believe how bad their support is. I would never buy an HP product again.
I have the same problem.

I first encountered it last year (December 07), but misdiagnosed it as a Vista Compaibility error. All of the wireless issues, the failure to HP Update, were all Vista problems (I thought). I had another bought in December 08, but fixed it by cleaning the case (or so I thought).

Only found out about the recall this week, after my laptop died on a business trip. I spent an hour on the phone this morning with no result.

Bottom line: because I checked "no advertisement or third-party emails", and didn't call before December 08, it is my fault I didn't know about the recall.

I am furious.
yea same here mine juste repeats the dell load screen over and over. any suggestions?
zack1993 Posts 1 Registration date Tuesday March 3, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 3, 2009
Mar 3, 2009 at 11:46 PM
i have a compaq laptop the I press the power buton to turn it on and it starts up for about 2 seconds I have no time to press any buttons then after the 2 second sits on for turns of straight away it still says teh charger is on
ps I dont no anythin about computers :[
I am looking at the suggestions for the series of HP laptops, but I don't even know where my battery is?!
I have the same problem. When you press the power button all the lights come on very briefly and then it cuts out. HP has identified this issue though and has a extended warranty for it. I just called them and they are sending me a pre-paid boxto send it in and fix it for free and, my warranty expired a year ago. Here is the website for the warranty
Apr 23, 2009 at 09:03 AM
i've just recently reformmated my toshiba satellite laptop and it worked fine and I went to bed after that and heard it turn off and reboot then it kept cycling threw it so I got up and hit the power button off and went back to bed without really looking at it... went to boot it up the next morning and it just cycles threw turning on/off, the fan kicks on and all the lights, no screen, nothing. my sisters laptop also shit the bed a month or 2 ago and she has the same laptop... any ideas?!?
Hey all,
My dv9000 laptop has similar issues, with the power on only the blue led's came on for a second, then power off. HP knows about this problem and are sending me a box to ship it back. Apparently, it's all free of charge from the shipping to the repair. Here's the address:

Just check to make sure your model and sn match the extended warranty program numbers and call the number and talk to a rep. Hope it helps. I just did this 10 minutes ago, so i'm not sure about turn arounds etc.
Mine was the same. The lights were on and I could hear the fan, but nothing else. I took out the battery and blew through every hole on the machine....and it booted right up! Thanks for the advice. I was shocked...worried about the whole motherboard issue (and my model isn't covered...geesh).
guys here's my issue, can anyone tell me how to get this back up and running....
can't boot up, I get the screen that has the choices of regular start or last good or safe but none do anything, they just sit for a while and reboots after I chose one and back to the same, I tried the f11 restore that I did like a year ago and brought it back to life that time because it had a bad virus and lucky I lost zero and had a good year without any problems, but, now I can not restore, only chose is to wipe everything and set it back to factory if I say OK, bad choice, so it says I am missing a command file or corrupted file, bla bla bla, so I think I need a bootup to get this to work, I am truely lost, can someone please point me in the right direction......
My computer is doing the same thing. Yellow charge and blue wireless lights turn on. Fan on. 1 maybe 2 rally switches. Starting up for maybe 4secs then dies. Yesterday when I came home the computer was running hot in hiberation. I hit the on switch and it powered off. Restarted no problem. Then today I left it in hibernation again but when I returned from work, this problem occurs. Tried to turned on 10 times now w/o success. I assume the computer ran hot again but it didn't turn off so something might be blow. What is the little culprit. Motherboard? CPU? And why did it run hot after x hrs when I switched it to hiberation. Thks Johnny
I sticked it in the fridge for 30mins and it started up after 2 tries.
7yr old laptop wiz
Jul 8, 2009 at 07:19 PM
hi I had trouble with my laptop,
the dude who gave the idea of blowing hot heat with your mouth throught the vent holes worked I was like omfg he must be a jenious so thank you who ever suggested it am madly thankfull.

My Two Year old Compaq presario was black one day. Only a couple blue lights. Thank goodness Geek Squad could get the 9 DVDs of info from it. Motherboard faulty, would cost $1300 to repair for new motherboard at Geek Squad service center. This is $300 more than I paid for it. The warranty would last THIRTY DAYS!!! hahaha. I will just buy a new one.

I have a HP Pavilion Laptop, dv6000 computer. It wont load up. This morning I turned my computer on like a normal day and I let my computer load up, when I looked at my screen, I noticed that the mouse wouldnt move, so I pressed ctrl,alt, delete, to bring up my task manager,and it said that everything was running fine, so after about 5 mins of trying to move the mouse, I heldin on the power button until the computer turned off, ( I always do this when the computer is frozen, and every other time it turned back on no problem, with the "Start windows normally") But this time my computer didnt turn back on...well the blue lights came on and I could hear the fan come on, but within seconds it would shut itsself off, and then on again, over and over....
I tried taking the battery out for 15 and 20 mins like someone had suggested, i've tried everything I can, now some of the suggestions on here, I cant try, like taking apart the computer, I dont want to do that considering I dont have a clue what anything is....I have some very important data on my computer, not to mention the hundreds of pictures that I didnt get a chance to back-up, I'm starting school online in september so I can't really afford to send my computer away to HP and probley not get it back for x -number of months, and I'm afraid to pay for the "problem", and then like others have said, still have something go wrong with it.

I had an acer before this HP, and I have to say that the acer was even worse for problems, eventhough they were little ones, just alot at the one time...But I did you that laptop until it literally broke on me...this HP is only 18 months old, so there is no warrenty left of course.... I just really need some answers, and fast...I'm just wondering is it even any point for me to call HP and fight with them about this?? Are they going to be any help at all, or will they confuse me even more? Please if anyone can help me that would be great because i'm beyond contrary with this issue!
Hello all,

I have an HP Pabillion 7965 computer at home, and have problems (does not start up). Looks like is doing some booting, but finally it comes bak to the screen where you need to select the various modes (Safe, Safe with Networking, Last known good configuration, Start Windows Normally). I've already tried The first Mode, and the last two (as described above), but dos not work. I'm not a PC expert, and that is why I would like to hear a suggestion from you if possible, on how to fix this problem.

Appreciatte your comments on this.

Hello all,

I have an HP Pabillion 7965 computer at home, and have problems (does not start up). Looks like is doing some booting, but finally it comes bak to the screen where you need to select the various modes (Safe, Safe with Networking, Last known good configuration, Start Windows Normally). I've already tried The first Mode, and the last two (as described above), but dos not work. I'm not a PC expert, and that is why I would like to hear a suggestion from you if possible, on how to fix this problem.

Appreciatte your comments on this.

You need to reinstall the OS ( Windows Operating System) It seems to be corrupt. If it doesn't work email me at I am a certified technician.
My HP tx2010 froze 3 seconds after boot with some leds on but still a blank screen.

I SOLVED THE PROBLEM by using my vacuum cleaner on the ventilation springs on the back of my laptop! Not sure how long it will work or if it's safe, but it worked for me =)
Hi guys since I last posted my HP went back a second time,they had it for 3 weeks started up fine for about 6times since it's return (just enough to go out of warrantee) it again had a new motherboard and CPU .so I contacted HP complaints dept and they picked
 it up again and are trying to fix it again(for free) and have advised that if fails within 90 days of this repair then they give up and will try and authorise a new machine......I assure you it won't be a try it will be a we will give you a new one .

It's a bit pants when not even the manufacturer can make their own machines work. So fingers crossed