I really need help.
The family user in my computer was an admin & someone in my house made a password then forgot it, now I cant log on & the other users in my computer are standard that was the only admin. My computer is Windows Vista. What am I going to doo to try & get that password?!!!!
I cant download anything because it automatically says you need a admin password.
I cant download anything because it automatically says you need a admin password.
2 responses
Have you tried looking on youtube, I found a video from somebody, that showed you what to do should you lose your password, However, this particualr video was based on a windows XP operating system but Im sure if you look you may find something of use. Try typing in "Lost Windows Password" or something like that.
Your Welcome !
Jay D
Your Welcome !
Jay D
Hi, i always received the data from client in a big excel.
but so many times character in each cell of a cloumn is not proper in length.
so i manuallly adjust the data.
i nned to run a macro after filling a data for each column so that it allows the limited number of
character in each cell.
like if i want state code in 2 charater than no one can put more than 2 charater in any cell of that coloumn.
macro should run after copy paste the data into excel. validate tool present is excel is not working for me
beacuase it runs while we enter data in each cell/
Please get back to me if any queries
but so many times character in each cell of a cloumn is not proper in length.
so i manuallly adjust the data.
i nned to run a macro after filling a data for each column so that it allows the limited number of
character in each cell.
like if i want state code in 2 charater than no one can put more than 2 charater in any cell of that coloumn.
macro should run after copy paste the data into excel. validate tool present is excel is not working for me
beacuase it runs while we enter data in each cell/
Please get back to me if any queries