Sd card reformat?

Beatlemel74 Posts 1 Registration date Thursday April 24, 2014 Status Member Last seen April 24, 2014 - Apr 24, 2014 at 10:59 AM
Debrayond Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday August 20, 2014 Status Member Last seen August 20, 2014 - Aug 20, 2014 at 10:46 PM
hi, i use my phone to take all of my pictures. this morning i went into my gallery and my phone froze so i took the battery out put it back in and turned it on. now my phone says sd card damaged. u may have to reformat it. i dont understand why it is doing this. i dont want to reformat it because i have over 300 pictures on it including vacation. i also tried taking it out and it wont come out. my question is what do do? i have no idea, i am not a techy person and do not know much about this. can my pics be saved?

thank you for your time, please help me

1 response

Debrayond Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday August 20, 2014 Status Member Last seen August 20, 2014
Aug 20, 2014 at 10:46 PM
From my understanding, your SD card seemed to be really damaged by your rude battery extraction. The reformatting may somehow help you fix this card problem. But, as to the pictures stored on this phone card, add no more stuff there and also do not format this card temporarily. Search over the internet and select SD card recovery software (like Recuva, 4Card Recovery, PhotoRec and more) to rescue your wondered pictures back.
And then, format this card to see whether your card could work functionally as before.
Never try to use your card so rudely again and make data backups all the time.