How to get sound from xbox 360 conected with hdmi to dvi

ilymroui Posts 2 Registration date Monday October 6, 2014 Status Member Last seen October 6, 2014 - Oct 6, 2014 at 06:54 AM
ilymroui Posts 2 Registration date Monday October 6, 2014 Status Member Last seen October 6, 2014 - Oct 6, 2014 at 02:19 PM
hey guys so, I have an xbox 360 and I play it on my monitor with hdmi to dvi cable

the hdmi goes into the xbox and the dvi into my monitor
but there is no sound, and I know that the dvi does not have sound :( .
I saw a lot of solution like taking the case out of the av cable

but I thought why taking out the case of the av cable while I can use the sd av cable wich is thineer

and then use the rca female to 3.5mm jack female

for the audio
and I was wondring if the sound will work with the sd av cable??
i really need your answers
thank you

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Oct 6, 2014 at 11:00 AM
Well considering HDMI is a digital output and your other plugs are analog signals, I am not certain that just by changing the plug ends, it will work.

ilymroui Posts 2 Registration date Monday October 6, 2014 Status Member Last seen October 6, 2014
Oct 6, 2014 at 02:19 PM
The image is working very well
I have the problem with the sound some people say to take the case out of the av cable so that the hdmi and av fit together in the xbox 360
I don't want to take the case out of the av cable thats why i'm askin if the sd av cable work