Using IF formula for dates

Ranaamani Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday August 26, 2015 Status Member Last seen August 26, 2015 - Aug 26, 2015 at 01:31 AM
 Blocked Profile - Aug 26, 2015 at 05:55 PM

i want to make a sheet for my job to track the allotments, i want it to count the days allotment sent for signature till it is back from signature, but i want to stop counting days after i received it and write ( Sent to Finance) in that particular cell.

thanks in advance

1 response

Blocked Profile
Aug 26, 2015 at 05:55 PM
OK, well I hope this fits in your scope. The logic for If in Excel is as follows: =If(logic_test, true, false)

So, what would that look like in a spreadsheet. Let us say that in Cell B1, we enter the following =if(A1="Red","it is red","It is not red")

Now if after we enter this formula, we put in cell A1 the value of "Red" (yes case sensitive), the we should get "it is red" in cell B1.

I hope this works. Tweek it to fit your needs!
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