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1 response
Ok load a variable with the number of row counts, using a method of XLUP.
Initialize a variable as a Range, and set the last row (your first variable), to have the FOCUS (select) of the Range you created:
Dim lastrow
Dim Range
lastrow=yourworksheetname.Cells(yourworksheetname.Rows.Count, "A").END(xlUp).Row
RANGE = "A1:Z" & lastrow
that will create a range of A1 to Z and what ever your row count was returned as.
Give that a try. I am trying to Remember my last solution from work, and I can post my exact code tomorrow if needed.
Initialize a variable as a Range, and set the last row (your first variable), to have the FOCUS (select) of the Range you created:
Dim lastrow
Dim Range
lastrow=yourworksheetname.Cells(yourworksheetname.Rows.Count, "A").END(xlUp).Row
RANGE = "A1:Z" & lastrow
that will create a range of A1 to Z and what ever your row count was returned as.
Give that a try. I am trying to Remember my last solution from work, and I can post my exact code tomorrow if needed.