The discussions
I forgot my gmail
Hello, I forgot my gmail password and security question's answer . Unfortunatelly,my account is done by cyber .So I don't know recovery mail address...
Forgten my password
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0I've forgten my password and asking me dat wen did u last enterin u account.!!! N I'm not sure abt d...
Forgotten my password and security question
Hello, I have forgotten my password and security question please help so I can use my email again Configuration: Windows Vista / Chrome 39.0.21...
Need to recover deleted email
Hi, I need to recover a deleted email from gmail. I have permanently deleted from trash as well, is there any way i could recover the email.???????
My gmail password is lost
Hello, please reset my password.
Want to recover mails which was deleated
Hello, This is Satya by mistake i have deleted my mails from gmail one month before now i wanted to recover can you guide me the steps Configur...
Forgot my gmail password
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0forgot my password
Hello, I forgot my gmail password Pls reset it
For got password
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0for got password
Forget my password
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0i forgot my password
Reset my gmail passwords
Hello, I lost my cellphone so I changed my cell number . is now the new number my number was my email is ***@*** I want to reset my password. ...
I forgot my password i couldnt login into my account
Hello, i forgot my password Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 34.0
G mail account recovery
Hello, my g mail account has been hacked and it is not opening. my recovery email also changed. so please help me to recover it.its very urgent. y...
I have forget my gmail password plz help me
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 6.0I have forget my password plz help me
L need acces to my gmail account
Hello, Help me get into my gmail account one of my kids changed my password and security questions Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 36.0.1985.135
Recovering deleted email
Hello, Can anyone tell me if it is possible to recover emails deleted from trash when they have been "deleted forever" ? Configuration: Window...
Retrieving deleted gmail emails
Is it possible to retrieve e-mails from your trash box on Gmail which are over 30 days?
I have lost my gmail password how to get it
Hello, Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95 Lost my gmail password
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 5.0.317.2
Recover permanently deleted gmail
I permanently deleted all my email messages - Have tried to recover but cannot. Windows 7 - Help Please Pennywlk
Forgot my password
Hello, i forgot my gmail password. my gmail is still working on my blackberry phone and i like to install my same gmail on my laptop,can u please he...
Emails recovery
Hello, I deleted some emails a year ago in which an important email was deleted. I forgot to move that back into inbox. According to the g...
E-mail address and password
sir what shall I put in e-mail address box and password box it is not accepting my gmail address.
Lost my password
I need my password for
Forget my password
Hello, Please forget my password
Password forgeoten
Hello, my gmail password was forgoten my mail is ***@***
Lost details of my password for my email
Hello, I have lost details of my password for my email could you please forward via email for me. thank you. Configuration: Windows 7 / Mozilla...
Need to retrieve deleted mails
Hello, Is it possible of retrieving the deleted mails from trash account for the past 2 yrs mails Please reply as soon as possible. my life is ...
Forgot my password please help
Hello, forgot my password please help Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 34.0
I need assisten
How can get my forgoted password ? And iforgot my securty questions too !
Gmail account recovery
Hello, i forgotten my gmail account Configuration: Windows 7 / Opera 9.80
Incoming mail and out mail server for out look setting
Hello, Incoming Mail and Out Mail Server for Out Look setting
Forget email password
Hello, I forget my email password please help me. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95
I need to reset my email
Hello, I need to reset my Email password...... And i never knew what is was in the first place! I need your help! My Email is: ...
How to recover the deleted mails from gmail trash
Hello, could you please help me to recover the deleted mails from trash in gmail
Forgot password and secret question
Hello, i forgot my gmail password and my secret question. how can i do it to get them angin so i can log in to my gmail again Alam
I forgot my pasword
Hello, Hello please help me out to reset my gmail pasword Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Forget password
Hello, this is may gmail id i have forget my password so please send on this mobile no. Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
I forgate my gmail pw
Plz help me I forgate gmail pw
Forgotten my gmail password
Hello, i have forgotton my password Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Forgotten password?
SolvedDear, Sir plz my gmail password Plz solved my problem. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
I forgot my gmail password
Hello, hi forgot my gmail password how to reset my password again Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 39.0.2171.95
Forget gmail password
Hello, I have forgot my email password.Please help. Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Gmail password
Hello, i forgot my gmail password. i need to check it now. could u plz find it for me.
Hello, Hi i forgot my gmail password. Please assist as i need to access my account for a new mobile. my email address is ***@*** You can s...
I forgot my gmail password also recovery mail password what can
Hello, I forgot my password. The only option that comes up for recovery is to use my alternate email and nothing more. My alternate email was my stu...
L am not remember my password please tell me
Hello, I Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 35.0.1hil6.11
Help me to verify my password in my gmail account
Hello, How to verify my password in my gmail account Configuration: iPad / Safari 9537.53
Password recovery
Hello, i created an email id ***@*** many years ago. i forget the password and i dont no the recovery mail id. so what can i do to access the ac...
Forget password in gmail
Dear Sir/Madam, Now i forgot my password in Gmail. and secondary email i forget also. Please, help me to reset. email forget: ***@***