The discussions
Forgot password
SolvedHello, Please I am forgot my gmail password so please reset my password Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
My gmail got hacked
Hello, hello my gmail account got hacked and recovery email and phone number is changed what can i do please help. Configuration: iPhone / Saf...
Password reset please
Hello, i need to restart my password but i forget my security questions Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9.0
I forgot my password of gmail
Hello, I forgot my gmail's password , I kindly requesting to help and make me to come out of it. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Forget password
Hello, pls help me
Forgot my password
Hello, I need my password so I can log into my gmail Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 34.0.1847.114
Reset password
Hello, I Forget my gmail password. How can I reset? Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Forgot my password
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115 i am forgot my password to this email ***@*** help my plz my email : ***@***
Forget passport
Hello, hi I am gagan I am forget my gmail passport but I have sign in my account so can you help sent me my passport on my msil box Configurati...
Forgot my password
SolvedHello, Please help me retrieve my password Configuration: iPad / Safari 5.1
Someone hacked my gmail
Hello, someone hacked my mail id they changed everything in it like my phone number and secondary mail id everything. how can i recover my mail id...
Mr gcaba
Hello, How can I reset my password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome
Lost password
Hello, Every time I try to use my gmail account it will not accept my password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 31.0.1650.59
Forget my password
Hello, I forget my password. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 28.0.1500.94
Forget password
Resprcted Sir I forget my gmail password. Pls send the same.
Forgot password
Hello, Configuration: samsung note2 / Chrome 35.0.1916.141i forgot my email password...please help me
Permanently deleted email
Hello, Is it possible to recover permanently deleted email from trash from a iPhone or a iPad or it has to be done from a computer? I tried everythi...
Deleted call icon
Hi, i use a samsung galaxy s duos, i accidentally deleted the phone/call icon, and now, i can't make calls out, i can only receive calls, how do i go ...
Forget my gmail password
Hello, I forget my gmail passport ki fly pls help me thanks Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 40.0.2214.109
Need host names incoming outgoing mail servers gmail
need host names incoming outgoing mail servers gmail ***@***
Forget my gmail password
Hello, How to reset my gmail password? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 39.0.2171.93
Sir i forgot my password
Hello, help me Configuration: Linux / Chrome 11.0.696.34
I deleted my from trash
Hello, sir i deleted my important file from trash. can i recover it back or not. if yes so please explain the process. its very important for me...
No incoming emails for gmail
Hello, Please need help! our gmail domain is not receiving any email since 5 days ago all users are not receiving, but all can still send, we canno...
Forget password
Hello, I forget my gmail how can i open my gmail account? Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Reset my password
Hello, I inform you please reset my gmail account password Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Gmail password setup
Hello, i would like to ask for assistance in resetting my gmail password. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115
Possible recover email
Hello, I was deleted accidentally emails from trash..But i'm not able to recover..........Genius pls help.....
Reset password
Hello, I need reset my password for gmail Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115
I m forget my password
Hello, dear sir i m forget my password Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115
How to use my laptop blututh
Hello, please, how to use my laptop blututh?
I don't know my password
Hello, Configuration: iPad / Safari 6.0please give me back my gmail password
Forgotten gmail password
Hello, Pls give me my reset gmail password Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
How can get my deleted mails back
Hello, i want my some important emails back can i get that
Forget password
Hello, Plz sorry help me Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Please help me to recover or change my password.
Hello, I am sanjay gaikwad. I have opened secondary gmail account in this month ie. Feb 2015. I forget my password unable to run my google internet....
Helping someone else
Hello, I have a friend who has her fphone blocked and even forgot her gmail password.Is there any way i could help her get her password using my pho...
Auto message deleting
Hello, I want to keep all emails and deleted them manually not automatically. How can I do this? Configuration: Windows / Mozilla 11.0
Get deleted messages
Hello, Im trying to get back my deleted messages that i permanently deleted about 10 months ago please help me ?
I want mail's is delete from trash folder
Hello, ple help me i want back my email it was delete from trash folder Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 40.0.2214.115
Hello, I have activated 2 step verification for my Gmail. At first this worked correctly..but now I'm no getting the code. So I can't login to my ...
Forgot password
Hello, I m Janani Arumugam...I forget my gmail password Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80
Forget password
Hello, i' mforget my gmail password for ***@*** Configuration: samsung / Chrome 36.0.1985.135
Password lost
Hello, help sir Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Hi, i forgot my paasport of gmail . can anybody help
SolvedHello, olease some one guide me so that I be able to sign in my gmail account Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 35.0
Come back my gmail account
Hello, i forgot my password in my gmail accoun please help to recover my gmail thanks :)
Forgot password
Hello, Please help me retrieve my gmail password
Forgot password
Hello, I am gautam das. sir i forget my gmail password pl help me. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0