The discussions
Nokia pc suit
Hello, how to coonected the pc suit mobail to laptop & how to downlode the nokia pc suit
Formating my nokia 3500c
Hello, my nokia 3500c can not apply themes pleas give me sollution
Teach me how to conect my nokia 3110 to pc for int
Hello, , I have nokia 3110c mobile phone and I want to connect it to my pc for free internet browsing. Kindly assist me by sending me a guide...
Gprs setting for nokia 2700c
SolvedHello, plss i want you to send me the browsing setting for my nokia 2700c i mean free browsing on it,cos my friends phone are doing that okay thanks...
Hello, why i cant use my secondry camera i have the camera but i dnt have the softwar what i can do ???
My mobile nokia 3110c but mobile not spport.
Hello, my mobile is nokia 3110c but not spport opera mini4.2 download why did you my mobile problume.
Free download ymessenger for my nokia5220
Hello, why i free download yahoomessenger in new virsion for my nokia5220expressmusic . pleas give me a si...
Nokia 5130c -2
Hello, I buy a new Nokia 5130c-2, could anyone tell me..can I use my mobile as modem for using internet with my Laptop( TOSHIBA Tecra )? Please ...
Need wap seetings for nokia 3110c
Hello, This is Mikey & I need the WAP Setting for my NOKIA 3110c phone. Please tell me where will i fond the WAP setting & how to proceed with it. ...
Nokia 5130
Hello, My nokia 5130 is can not work.What i can do
About nokia 70
Hello, hi i have problem with my nokia 3100 regarding my with the signal, just wanted to ask if theres an installer or program that can fix my sign...
Nokia pc suite 5130-2c
Hello, sir pls send nokia pc suite 5130-2c soft ware
Want internet frm nokia3110c to desktop
Hello, i m having desktop pc. I want internet connection for that desktop pc thru nokia 3110c mobile. Please guide me properly which steps i hav to...
Hello, when i download opera mini on my nokia 6300 it shows no valid certificate.mail me
Mms or web setting in nokia e63
Hello, I am Mahendra Jagtap, I want web setting in nokia e63. I already set in cell web setting, but remove sim card than after not open web site. ...
Please help!! nokia e71 pics d/l probs!
Hello, I have a Nokia E71 and am able to upload pics off it onto my PC but only the pics that are saved on my memory card. I have so many pics and vi...
Docomo gprs setting for nokia 6303
ClosedHello, I want GPRS setting for my nokia 6303. My sevrvice provider is Tata Docomo.
3110c nokia
Hello, I am Vijay, i have nokia 3110c its a very good phone. but all of a sudden i faced a problem with my music player. The music player i...
Nokia 6111 security code
Hello, Can anybody please help me to unlock a forgoten security code for a Nokia 6111?
Restore nokia 6500 data!!!!help pls
SolvedHello, Can somebody help me with my NOKIA 6500 phone? I have acidentaly deleted one of my voice recordings and I was wondering if there is a way to...
How to transfer fhotos taken by nokia 3120
SolvedHello, hi how can I tranfer photos taken by nokia 3120 phone to a PC
Does this pingfu udp works on nokia 6680 model?
Does pingfu udp works on nokia 6680 model mobile phone? He it does can u kindly send me d settings code ?Thanks.
Nokia e63
Hello, I have a black Nokia E63 And Do Not Know How to Upload My Camera pics To my Computer ??? Help PLzzzz
Configuration of nokia 5130c-2 for browsing
SolvedHello, i newly purchased nokia 5130c-2, and I want to configure it for internet browsing.this is my zain number 08022386532.pls I need fast and favou...
Nokia n-97
Hello, good morning i have a question about my nokia N-97 right now I can't sent and received my txt messages because it keeps on telling me "DO NO...
Nokia n70 memory card not working
Hello, Plz help me my MMC card of Nokia N70 is not detactable by the phone and the card reader. How do I format it and check.
How to connect net using nokia n72 and lap
Hello, how do i connect internet in acer aspire by a nokia n72
Hello, how can i connect my nokia5030 mobile to pc using pc suite i can not connect using nokia pcsuite
Free handy alarm for nokia5800
Hello, please somebody tell me where can i get free handy alarm for nokia 5800
Internet on pc throgh mobile
Salat times on my nokia mobile phone
SolvedHello, I tried to use a salat times application to get daily islamic prayer times ... but the installation failed on my Nokia E65. Did anynone i...
Islamic call to prayer download for nokia
SolvedHello, I bought a classy and new Nokia (N97) ;-) .... and I would like to find an application to get calls to prayer. Does that exist somewhere ...
Applications for nokia
Hello, Where can i get applications for NOKIA N97 for free ?
New mobile nokia,sony ericsson games.
Hello, Latest Download Nokia ,Sony Eicsson Mobile Application,Games & More. Visit Us Site :
Free office download for nokia 5800
SolvedHello, i would like to load a software for nokia 5800 to open word and excel sheet do you have any free software for the same thanks
Nokia phone format details
Hello, my nokia phone is switched off and it can't turn on. then how to format the nokia 5130 c-2. please reply soooon.
Nokia pc suit is not usefull for nokia5130
Hello, i am not able to connect my nokia 5130 phone with pc with the help of noia pc suite
Reformatting nokia 5000d
Hello, I am inquiring how to reformat my nokia cellphone model Nokia 5000D. Thank you.
Need pc suit for nokia 2600c
Hello, i will be very thankful to u if you please send me the set up files for nokia pc suit for 2600c.
Unable to connect nokia 2600c with pc
Hello, i am unable to connect my nokia 26ooc with my pc though i installed the driver cd i got with the cabel.
Videoplayer for nokia5800
Hello, is thr any videoplayer avialable to play videos for nokia5800
My nokia 7373 asks for security module
Hello, i recently posted that my nokia 7373 is unable to pick up my memory card which is not faulty. i have just found in the security for memory st...
Games for 5800 nokia
Hello, I know there are not lots of games using the touch issues but what i want to know is if i can get those games free ?
Does nokia secure their mirco sd cards?
Hello, I used to have a nokia 5300 with a 1gb microsd made by nokia i have some information on their i would like to get off but i dont have a nokia p...
Nokia n97c
Hello, I want to activate GPRS from Vodacom in South Africa on my N97C. I have received the settings, saved them, but not working. There is no OS o...
Pc suite china mobile nokia 6300china
Hello, sir i am purchase nokia 6300 china but this cell phone is not connect in PC suite please you referred pc suite program to thanks
Access internet on nokia 73 from desktop
Nokia 7373 doesnt pick up my memory card
Hello, can anyone explain why my nokia 7373 doesnt recognise my memory card at all. any help would be great. thanks, rosey.
Downloding problem on nokia 7210
hello, pls tell me about nokia 7210 is this phone have a short memory.because when i down load any thing it give me a message that is full memory i n...