Metal Gear Solid 1 problem

Mr. anonymous - Mar 18, 2009 at 12:17 PM
 SolidSnacks - Apr 10, 2009 at 09:13 AM
Hello, I've been playing Metal Gear Solid 1 for the PS1 for about 5 days now (that's when I got the game from Gameseek, yeah I ordered it). I've completed the game, but at the credits screen when it says "Developed by Konami Computer Entertainment Japan Co., Ltd.", the game suddenly freezes.

I've been doing the last part of the game over and over again, and some times there are these short video clips of the nature (hills, snow, mountains etc) in the background of the credits, and other times the background screen is simply black. What the heck should I do? Any ideas?

PS: I'm playing it on the PS2 at the moment, but that shouldn't really matter should it?

2 responses

shirro Posts 11 Registration date Saturday November 15, 2008 Status Member Last seen May 19, 2009 1
Mar 19, 2009 at 04:57 AM
this may be caused by either scatches or dirt on the CD, or it may be that there are some problems on the CD.
contact the company from where you bought the game and get it replaced.
this should fix your problem.
Mr. anonymous
Mar 20, 2009 at 08:02 AM
Hmm, so there's no way that this is simply a bug, and one that can be fixed? I checked the back of the CD and there were two very minor scratch marks, I'm just a bit iffy about sending it back considering it took two weeks for it to arrive here in the first place. I'm usually a patient person, but I've been looking forward to playing this for ages, and I just completed the game and I'm excited about starting over with bandana/stealth.
This problem occurs for me too. I did a bit of digging and found out everyone who reports this problem is playing it on a PS2. So i went out and bought a PS1, played it, and it finished fine. You could try messing with the config settings on your PS2 but unless you know what you're doing this is not advisable. So your options are:
Buy a PS1
Play it on a backwards compatible PS3
Get the PC version