OpenAI doesn't allow you to have a relationship with ChatGPT... but that hasn't stopped these people

OpenAI prohibits the development of GPTs that are intended for romantic relationships, however there are already quite a few examples of exactly this.
The idea of having an AI boyfriend or girlfriend isn't something new, just look at the 2013 film Her, or Blade Runner 2049, where Ryan Gosling's character dates an AI. It isn't a surprise that since the launch of the GPT Store, a place where developers can use Chat GPT to create different GPTs with varying functions, a number of romantic AIs have been produced.
This is a problem for OpenAI, who strictly prohibit the uploading of this type of AI, or at least to a certain extent. After the GPTs were launched, a number appeared with names such as: Girlfriend AI or Virtual Sweetheart. In reaction, OpenAI quickly removed them from the store and stated that GPTs who were dedicated to engaging in romantic companionship, or performing legally regulated activities were not allowed.
This wasn't enough to deter developers, who began sidestepping the restrictions by uploading GPTs with less suggestive names, that nonetheless had the same purpose. For example, Virtual Sweetheart, just became Sweetheart. OpenAI didn't react to this and seemingly allowed this type of GPT to become established within the marketplace, despite not altering their rules.
The main difference is that OpenAI does not promote this type of GPT, although with a simple search in the GPT Store you will be able to find a large number of GPTs dedicated to companionship. You can understand OpenAI's reticence to actively promote GPTs as potential romantic partners, because this is ultimately not what these language models were designed to do, although they can if developed to.
The issue is that with or without OpenAI's guidance, these GPTs are being created and people are beginning to access them. Arguably, it would be more beneficial if OpenAI actively studied the impact of these GPTs on people's wellbeing. By offering more restrictive access to them, they would be able to create a product that was safer for the end user.
But for now, it seems that OpenAI are just maintaining the status quo, by showing their efforts to deter this type of GPT on one hand, while being relatively permissive on the other. And perhaps the firm is waiting for the movement to become more widespread before not wanting to appear as "the company of AI-enhanced girlfriends or boyfriends"? It is very easy to find these sentimental GPTs. To do this, you need to be subscribed to GPT Plus or Team, go to the GPT Store, and search for terms like Girlfriend, Boyfriend, or Sweetheart – among other examples – in the store's search engine.