HP PSC 1315 Printer Driver free for PC

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  • 5 votes 4 / 5
  • Developer HP
  • Version 14.8.0
  • License Freeware
  • Language en

This driver is designed for Windows 10. If you are a user of an older version of Windows, you can find the appropriate version of the driver on the publisher's website

What are the key features of HP PSC 1315 Printer Driver?

  • Print, copy and scan functions based on an average machine configuration.
  • Photo-quality colour printing and up to 4800 optimized dpi.
  • It supports the sharing of network printer.

HP provides users with updates on its website. One of them enables to solve the "Access Denied" during the installation.


Is it free?

This driver can be downloaded and installed for free.

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