Desktop Goose free for PC, Mac

(4.3 Mo)
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  • 11 votes 4.5 / 5
  • Developer samperson
  • Version 0.31
  • License Freeware
  • Language en

Desktop Goose is a funny program designed to make you live with a fun but distracting goose that inhabits your computer. Configurable and unpredictable, you will either adore or hate it.

What are the key features of Desktop Goose?

  • It is alive: You can let your goose wander on your screen, spreading mud, signs, or alone, and interrupt your screen time.
  • The animal bites: It can randomly gain control of your mouse and move the cursor around the screen. Don't be scared, it won't be able to manipulate your data or click anywhere.
  • Funny interactions: Your goose can interact with files you allow it to use to bring GIFs, memes, and text files onto your screen and even play sounds.
  • Customizable: You can customize the goose's behavior, like allowing it or not using your mouse (and the time it controls it), deciding if it can play in leaf piles, and more.
  • Lightweight: The program is pretty lightweight and consumes only a few resources so it won't slow down your experience.
  • Community-driven: The developer delivers software updates, and the community develops mods.
© Desktop Goose

How to use Desktop Goose?

  1. Once downloaded, you need to unzip the file and choose where to store it on your computer.
  2. The goose can only interact with files you put in the Desktop Goose folder. Hence, feel free to add your images, texts, GIFS, memes, and sounds to the associated Assets > Images, Assets > Sound, and Assets > Text folders.
  3. If you want to tweak the goose behavior, you can edit the config.ini file.
  4. If you want to disable the goose, hold the escape button down. Then, a loading bar appears in the upper right corner of your desktop screen to show you how much longer until the goose disappears.

Is it free?

Yes, it is free to use.

Is it safe?

The software is not a virus, cannot damage your system, and is considered safe by services like Avast.

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