Cydia free for iOS

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  • 2 votes 3 / 5
  • Developer Jay Freeman (saurik)
  • Version
  • License Open Source
  • Language en

Cydia, one of the most popular alternatives to Apple's app store targeting Apple's devices. Cydia Cloud is an alternative to the official Cydia installer but provides the same experience, users will be able to use the Cydia toolbox and for example, be allowed to install through the Cydia app unofficial apps to their iOS devices that are not made available through Apple's App Store.

What is Cydia?

As the Apple app store doesn't offer you third-party apps to install on your device, you have to use an alternative app store to get them.

That is why Cydia is an alternative app store designed so you can install third-party apps and tweaks on iPhones, iPads, and iPod touch devices. It features a very large library of alternative content and is really easy to use. Still, you will have to jailbreak your device before using it.

What are the key features of Cydia?

  • Lots of iDevices customizations: Cydia allows the users to download any available apps, games, or themes and lets them tweak device settings (such as changing the appearance of an incoming call). Cydia offers a wonderful toolbox and jailbreaking features.

  • Amazing cross-version compatibility: Cydia is now compatible with any iOS version and supports any model, including 64-bit and 32-bit.

  • Easy installation: Cydia can be installed in only a few clicks and you no longer need a computer.

© Cydia

How to get Cydia?

Before installing Cydia, you have to jailbreak your device, which depends on your device's version. Once it is jailbreak, you just need to follow the following process:

  1. Tap on the download button at the top of the page.
  2. Please wait a few seconds as your device will be identified.
  3. Tap on the Install button to start the process of downloading Cydia.

How to use Cydia?

The app is pretty straightforward to use through its intuitive interface.

Update apps

  1. Tap on Changes.
  2. Tap on Upgrade All to upgrade all the installed apps.

Install apps

  1. Tap on Search.
  2. In the search field, type the name of the app you are looking for.
  3. Browse the results, and tap on the one you want to install.

Manage apps

  1. Tap on Installed.
  2. Browse the installed apps, and tap on the one you want to manage.

Is Cydia free?

Cydia is free, however, you won't get all the available features of the application unless you get a Cydia membership, which can be purchased on the app.

Is Cydia safe?

It seems that the app has no history of security issues or abusive data collecting. As always, we recommend reading the official Privacy policy before installing. Also, you need to jailbreak your device to install alternative apps, which is always a risk (beneficial or not, it will depend on what app you download).

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