Word/Doc Txt to Image Jpg/Jpeg Bmp Tiff Png is a software designed to convert text formats like Word or txt to image formats like JPEG, TIFF, or PNG within several minutes.
What are the key features of Word/Doc Txt to Image Jpg/Jpeg Bmp Tiff Png?
- Conversion: the software's main function is to convert documents such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint into various image formats according to the user's needs.
- Various output formats: JPG,BMP,GIF,TIF,WMF,EMF,PNG,RLE,TGA. This allows users to open files using different software.
- Batch processing: apart from these features, the conversion process can be performed in batch. That is to say that multiple files can be converted to images simultaneously. This is helpful in time saving.
Is it free?
This is a free trial version. The full license costs $49.95.
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