Yahoo password forgotten

Simona - Updated on Sep 9, 2017 at 03:20 PM
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 - Sep 9, 2017 at 04:43 PM

I have forgotten the password on yahoo mail
Followed the steps, I have received a key code as a text on my phone number,I put the key code and press Verified,and it logs me in with my partner 's email account


1 response

Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,166
Sep 9, 2017 at 04:43 PM
Hi Simona,

So what is the exact problem if any?