Formatting cells based on certain criteria
- Formatting cells based on certain criteria
- Based on the values in cells b77 ✓ - Excel Forum
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- Conditional formatting if cell contains text - Excel Forum
- Excel macro to create new sheet based on value in cells - Guide
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Sep 29, 2017 at 05:37 AM
Still working on this problem though.
Updated on Sep 29, 2017 at 06:13 PM
If you have 50 different shaded of gray, all with different values, you could perform this. Just start from the least significant, in this case .00-.99, then 1 to 1.99, then 2 though 2.99. Sometimes significance isnt' really a numeric value, but a number of different cases, so for this we would look to such formulas as:
=if(and(a1=yes,b1=yes)) = GREEN CELL (as far as we are concerned, every cell should be a GREEN CELL)
Then our next formula checks to disqualify the green cells, as in:
=if(and(a1=yes,b1=no)) = RED CELL
Then we would check for the next qualifying (in this case, disqualifying), but this time we will turn it yello, because it can still be green, and it it isn't RED. A YELLOW CELL maybe found with:
=if(and(a1=no,b1=yes)) = YELLOW CELL
Is this where you are having problems? Let us know so you can expand on the scope of the project.
Sep 29, 2017 at 06:36 PM
what you have written makes logical sense and taking this I am going to try and assemble it all into a coherent (and working) set of conditional formatting.
I have a week away from it all, so will try on my return. Thanks again,
Sep 29, 2017 at 06:40 PM
Have fun!
Sep 29, 2017 at 06:46 PM
Thanks again