Need formula help for spreadsheeet on iPad

Debjtown Posts 2 Registration date Tuesday February 20, 2018 Status Member Last seen March 19, 2018 - Feb 21, 2018 at 12:20 PM
 Blocked Profile - Mar 21, 2018 at 12:24 PM

I have created a spreadsheet to track my team’s progress in a game. Column D has members’s game levels at the start of the week, and Column F has their levels at the end of the week. I need a formula that will only count the Column F cells if they are greater than the Column D cells, so in my weekly team report I can share with team members how many of our members went up in level.

I only use iPads and my iPhone, so do not have the availability of a Control key, etc and will need to actuallly enter a working formula in a cell in my summary area. An anyone help me solve this last worksheet formula?


2 responses

Blocked Profile
Feb 21, 2018 at 04:11 PM
I am not certain how to overcome your "no Control Button" issues, but what you are looking for is COUNTIF. take a look at:

Have FUN!
Debjtown Posts 2 Registration date Tuesday February 20, 2018 Status Member Last seen March 19, 2018
Mar 19, 2018 at 01:20 PM
Thank you for providing that link. It does contain quite clear and concise COUNTIF examples, which I have tried to use repeatedly. Perhaps I am being obtuse or am I just not able to clearly explain my problem?

The examples I found there seem to mirror others I have tried over and over. All only show formulas which will compare the cells in one column to a particular given value or to a particular cell. Once again I tried writing formulas over and over without success.

The result I need should return a count after comparing each cell in one column to corresponding cells in another column. In my spreadsheet there are 30 rows (30 players). Column B contains the game level of a player on Monday and Column F contains player game level on the following Sunday. I need a formula that will compare F1 to B1 to see if F1 is greater than B1 and count it only if it is true. Then it continues to compare and count all rows: F2 to B2, F3 to B3, ... F30 to B30. For example, the value returned might be 8, which tells me that 8 players went up a level by one or more that week.

Again, I would appreciate any help I can get in writing a formula that accomplishes this count.
Blocked Profile
Mar 21, 2018 at 12:24 PM
Okk hang in there.

Lets try this:
I need a formula that will compare F1 to B1 to see if F1 is greater than B1 and count it only if it is true

Then it continues to compare and count all rows: F2 to B2, F3 to B3, ... F30 to B30.

Lets look at this like this. Use count if now to total the ONES being generated in the column (G) by the above formula, something like:

How about that?

Have fun!