Merging 2nd facebook account with first

Clairh74 - Updated on Aug 21, 2018 at 08:43 AM
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 - Sep 3, 2018 at 04:43 PM
I wonder if anyone can help me please?

I had a bad accident in 2012, prior to that had a 2nd account log in, for my Newborn Photography. I've been unable to log in as I didn't know the password, have got round this and have changed the password, enterest code which was emailed, now it asks for id, but non of my id's will be accepted, they are jpgs straight text.

I want to be able to log in, so I can make myself joint owner (new email address), as google searches etc when searching for my photography by full name, it is the old facebook page that comes up first. All the info on there is out of date, not only the gallery, but website, phone number, email address, all of it.

I have created a new page since my accident, and I would like to merge them together. But have to be owner of both.

I have asked on the community and logged on various times on the help centre, but all responses come back as thank you for your feedback and close the call.

I am getting beyond frustrated. Its all automated and it bounces me back to the same place.

Do you have any help or advice how to get this remedied please?

Thank you

6 responses

Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,164
Aug 21, 2018 at 08:42 AM

Facebook allows only one account per person. Merging is impossible.

Here are the url addresses for the 2 pages in question;

Old tiny tots page:

New one:

if I can't merge them, if I can log into the old one, I can update that one and keep as the master.

But the 2nd one is linked to my own fb account, whereas the original one is standing alone and out of date.

What would you suggest?

Thank you
Hi I thought that it’s possible to merge pages? I’d owber if both?

If not fair enough but I still need to log in so I can update information

Thank you
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,164
Aug 21, 2018 at 05:19 PM
Okay, yes it's possible to merge accounts.

See this article
Dayshunds14 Posts 35 Registration date Thursday August 16, 2018 Status Member Last seen September 12, 2019 1
Aug 21, 2018 at 11:43 PM
It's actually not "merging" per se. Even on that facebook help link its just says download all that you want to keep from the secondary account then move them to the account you want to keep. Then delete the second account.

It's basically picking one account then migrating info from the other one.
Thank you, but I am not able to log into the old account, it asks for id to verify I'm me and it won't accept it.

I'm not able to do anything. I've just been going round and round for months, with each request closed as feedback given.

I want to be able to tidy it up and have 1 page for my photography rather than 2 so it clears up searching and finding the old page I can't update its out of date, I tried to put a message on there been superseded by a new page and of course it asks the page holder for approval.

I'd really appreciate any help I can get and finally sort this out.

I'm not a technophobe but I'm stuck.

And getting nowhere with the help section actually in facebook.

Thank you so much in advance
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,164 > Clairh74
Aug 22, 2018 at 04:06 AM
Please explain: "it asks for id to verify I'm me and it won't accept it."
Clairh74 Posts 4 Registration date Wednesday August 22, 2018 Status Member Last seen September 3, 2018
Aug 22, 2018 at 04:18 AM

For many months now I have been trying to log into that account, and each time I face these problems, yesterday I tried again, same thing.

I keep asking is there somewhere I can email the id instead to get it rectified and each time I get that thank you for your feedback and my call closed.

Please help me? I've been trying to do this for over a year all together, I'm sure you can understand my frustration.

Thank you

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Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,164
Aug 22, 2018 at 04:40 AM
Hi Clair,

Thank you for the screen shots.

I'm a little at a lost because your real full name does not appear anywhere on both accounts and yet you are trying to recover the first with a personal identification.

Anyway, here is my last suggestion. Delete all of your temporary files and cookies, try to send only one id document, the most pertinent for Facebook.

Good luck
Clairh74 Posts 4 Registration date Wednesday August 22, 2018 Status Member Last seen September 3, 2018
Aug 22, 2018 at 05:00 AM
Thank you I will try that.

The "old" account was a login purely for my photography which I don't believe can be done now. It was in My photography name of Dual Focus Photography, Tiny Tots Newborn & Baby Photography.

As I was unable to access it I created a page linked to my own account for Tiny Tots Newborn & Baby Photography, I also have one for my general photography also a page linked to my own account.

I couldn't see my own id being of any use verifying the old account, but it wouldn't accept any, anyway, I I tried personal ID's again yesterday and separately tried my Photography Diploma certificate and again separately my certificate from the Photography Society I am a member of, all of them just rejected.

I will try again from home tonight as you suggest. I'm not even able to request that account be removed.

Thank you
Clairh74 Posts 4 Registration date Wednesday August 22, 2018 Status Member Last seen September 3, 2018
Aug 28, 2018 at 06:56 AM
Hi I am unable to close this account, without logging in, and it will not accept any of my id.

Not that I have any titled/named Tiny Tots Newborn & Baby Photography only as myself or Dual Focus Photography.

I have reset the password, that bit is complete then it asks for id, it will not accept anything I have tried from home and work laptop now and followed the notes above about deleting history (files & cookies).

What can I do next? In web searches it is the old page that comes up first and I am unable to add a message to the old page saying been superseded. I am very concerned that people might try to contact me on facebook with that page and they are just getting lost somewhere.

The notes I have added aren't viewable as they aren't being approved/displayed.

Thank you
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,164
Aug 28, 2018 at 04:55 PM
If I look for Tiny Tots Newborn & Baby Photography, this the only Facebook page I can find.
Clairh74 > Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023
Aug 29, 2018 at 04:08 AM
Yes that is the old (pre-accident) page, the one I can't access.

This is the current one linked to my own account:

Its the old one I am unable to log into to close, as I can not even post messages to that page, that is the one that is found within facebook, and even google searches, it brings that page up only.

I'm pretty sure I have used the same wording, replicated the info on the new page.

But its always the old one that comes up first and I am loosing business as its totally out of date.

The old one is set up as a professional business, and my new one isn't its a local service, that I need to change.

What is the best way forward please? In your professional opinion?

Thank you
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,164
Aug 29, 2018 at 04:27 AM
The old account comes out first because it seems to be a business account (says professional services)

The last time you posted on the new account is July 30th, is that correct ?
Clairh74 Posts 4 Registration date Wednesday August 22, 2018 Status Member Last seen September 3, 2018 > Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023
Sep 3, 2018 at 08:03 AM
Hi my new page is set up a business page too.

I last posted on my new page was 29th August. I want my new page info to be identical to the old, pictures will be different and more up to date on the new one.

I want to make sure that it comes closer to the top in google searches my website comes up 3/4th. But its the old Tiny Tots page that comes up first, and I can't log in to close it, or authorise any new posts I have added. They are just sitting somewhere to be approved I guess.

But I am wondering if the face that my new page is actually on my own account, whereas the old it seems was an actual account all of its own.

I want to close the old one I can't access, and make my current page higher ranking

Thank you
Ambucias Posts 47310 Registration date Monday February 1, 2010 Status Moderator Last seen February 15, 2023 11,164
Sep 3, 2018 at 04:43 PM

Clair, to close your old account you must be able to access it and I don't see how you will be able to gain access.

Perhaps if you report it as hacked ?