HP All In one (Boots to Black screen)

kg29 Posts 1 Registration date Thursday October 18, 2018 Status Member Last seen October 18, 2018 - Oct 18, 2018 at 02:52 PM
TheComputerDoc Posts 17 Registration date Wednesday October 17, 2018 Status Member Last seen December 7, 2018 - Oct 18, 2018 at 03:53 PM

I had this same problem with my other computer and never found out what died.

Yesterday, I shut down the computer normally (construction people doing work in the front yard and they killed our last machine clicking the hydro on/off),so last night after they left I hit the power button and walked away.

Thinking it was booting normal....

Today nothing works? you can hear the fans running and the power light is blue and the HDD clicks 1-2 times and the machine just hmms.

I followed this but nothing works

Can I force boot up with a USB stick or something? also if I supply a new HDD to the computer shop, as I don't want the original one wiped to save the data would that work.

Never did backups and the computer is from 2011, but I have a dock here and would like to see what data I can get.

I thought I would ask here for help.
Thank you


1 response

TheComputerDoc Posts 17 Registration date Wednesday October 17, 2018 Status Member Last seen December 7, 2018
Oct 18, 2018 at 03:53 PM
Hello KG29,

First have you tried to boot into safe mode? If not when you first turn the computer on hit either the F2,9, or 12 button. This should open up your bios or a one time boot option.

To answer your question about booting from a USB, yes it is possible to do that.

Third if you supply a HDD to a computer shop they can transfer data easily. Also you can purchase your own here: https://www.amazon.com/Unitek-2-5-Inch-External-Converter-Included/dp/B004A98YTG/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1539892317&sr=8-6&keywords=external+hard+drive+reader&dpID=51us4mpl5kL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch