- Facebookidentify
- Facebook com login identify - Best answers
- login/identify - Best answers
- Facebook. com/login/identify/ ctx=recover ✓ - Facebook Forum
- Orkut login - Guide
- Security checks preventing login issue facebook - Facebook Forum
- Report a login issue ✓ - Facebook Forum
- Preventing login issue - Facebook Forum
2 responses
Please upload a photo of yourself which clearly shows your face.
Hi. I'm trying to open my second account. And upon logging in, facebook is showing me this text "Please upload a photo of yourself which clearly shows your face. When you send us a photo, we'll check it and then permanently delete it from our servers." I keep on uploading my pic but it just keeps on getting back to the same option. Tried on different browser but the problem still exist. Please help. Thank you.
Hi. I'm trying to open my second account. And upon logging in, facebook is showing me this text "Please upload a photo of yourself which clearly shows your face. When you send us a photo, we'll check it and then permanently delete it from our servers." I keep on uploading my pic but it just keeps on getting back to the same option. Tried on different browser but the problem still exist. Please help. Thank you.