Mulitimedia audio controller
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4 responses
I had the same problem after installing Windows 7 on my Fujitsu Siemens SCALEO C (oldie) Multimedia station PC.
It has a CMI AC97 onboard sound card and it was not recognized by the OS after installation. I spend a few good days trying to locate a driver for the card, either through CMI (which was in chinese!) site or from forums and other peoples experiences. Nada! Nothing definitive or working.
Then today I did the obvious.
Went to Menu > Control Center > Devices and Printers and double-clicked on the system icon. Then on the soundcard icon (with the exclamation mark - trouble) and asked the system to look for a driver automatically from the Internet.
And Voila! after a few seconds it found the driver, downloaded and installed it automatically!
I HEAR YOU LORD! The conclusion is that, we are so disappointed by Micro$oft that we don't believe that they can come up with something properly working, and when we run into trouble we start looking around for help among other co-sufferers, instead of trying to see if there is a normal fix from begining.
Windows 7 is not the best (NOT EVEN CLOSE) and it should recognize standard H/W like CMI AC97 sound cards! but at least it seems to work a little better than Vista (brrrr!).
It has a CMI AC97 onboard sound card and it was not recognized by the OS after installation. I spend a few good days trying to locate a driver for the card, either through CMI (which was in chinese!) site or from forums and other peoples experiences. Nada! Nothing definitive or working.
Then today I did the obvious.
Went to Menu > Control Center > Devices and Printers and double-clicked on the system icon. Then on the soundcard icon (with the exclamation mark - trouble) and asked the system to look for a driver automatically from the Internet.
And Voila! after a few seconds it found the driver, downloaded and installed it automatically!
I HEAR YOU LORD! The conclusion is that, we are so disappointed by Micro$oft that we don't believe that they can come up with something properly working, and when we run into trouble we start looking around for help among other co-sufferers, instead of trying to see if there is a normal fix from begining.
Windows 7 is not the best (NOT EVEN CLOSE) and it should recognize standard H/W like CMI AC97 sound cards! but at least it seems to work a little better than Vista (brrrr!).