- You have 179 days left to request a review
- You have 179 days left to request a review meaning in hindi - Best answers
- You have 179 days left to request a review instagram - Best answers
- This account will be disabled in 28 day you only have 28 days left to request a ✓ - Facebook Forum
- This account will be disabled in 1 day Are you sure that you want to log out? Y - Facebook Forum
- You have 30 days to request a review - Facebook Forum
- This account will be disabled in 28 days Are you sure that you want to log out? - Facebook Forum
- Faccebook 30 days in disable please ineable my account - Facebook Forum
3 responses
Sir my personal Facebook Account was Disabled without any reason, sir I don't post any illegal activities on my personal Facebook account,sir I follow Facebook community Guidelines,sir I used my real name, pics, phone number,this is my personal account, sir someone reported my Facebook account without any reason, sir I stored my personal Data in my personal Facebook account, sir I can't login into my Facebook account, sir I requested to u please Recover my account.
Dec 19, 2020 at 11:24 AM
However, you can follow the instructions in this article on what to do when your Facebook account is locked or disabled.
All instructions (including the steps to make appeal) are explained in detail in the article.
Jan 2, 2021 at 09:58 PM
If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is because your account doesn't follow our Terms of Service.
We're always looking out for the security of people on Facebook, so until then you can't use your account.This account will be disabled in 3 days
Are you sure that you want to log out?
You only have 3 days left to request a review. After that, your account will be permanently disabled. my personal account disabled personal account disabled
Jan 3, 2021 at 02:52 PM
Use this form to confirm your identity and date of birth.