Login approval loop, little options
- Facebook login approval needed
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- Facebook login approval not working - Best answers
- Facebook login approval needed problem - Facebook Forum
- Orkut login - Guide
- Login approval code messenger ✓ - Facebook Forum
- Facebook login approval code problem ✓ - Facebook Forum
- Facebook. com/login/identify/ ctx=recover ✓ - Facebook Forum
2 responses
Hi, yeah I had the most inconvenient loop of all, I do believe! I have a Humor page connected to mine that I have developed over nearly ten years with followers in the six digits!, so I was frantic.
I ended up doing numerous things, making a dummy account so I could atleast check my main page out, I went to my profile and did the thing where you click on the three dots by your profile name and choosing the retrieve account option, finally I was able to upload my state ID, they sent me a couple emails almost immediately, but with links that didnt work, or temp login passwords to change mine, but nothing worked.
I ended up sending my ID a total of four more times and only got confirmation once, after two+ weeks I uploaded my ID once again and within two hours I got the link and it finally took me through the steps, and someone had been doing odd things on my Humor page and in my profile, so yeah, it was a waiting game, and very frustrating, also, once I got in I had to install an app that spits out codes when FB thinks something is fishy, not sure if any of this helps!
Good luck, I hope you get in soon!!
-Amy ♡♡
I ended up doing numerous things, making a dummy account so I could atleast check my main page out, I went to my profile and did the thing where you click on the three dots by your profile name and choosing the retrieve account option, finally I was able to upload my state ID, they sent me a couple emails almost immediately, but with links that didnt work, or temp login passwords to change mine, but nothing worked.
I ended up sending my ID a total of four more times and only got confirmation once, after two+ weeks I uploaded my ID once again and within two hours I got the link and it finally took me through the steps, and someone had been doing odd things on my Humor page and in my profile, so yeah, it was a waiting game, and very frustrating, also, once I got in I had to install an app that spits out codes when FB thinks something is fishy, not sure if any of this helps!
Good luck, I hope you get in soon!!
-Amy ♡♡