The discussions
Security check preventing login
SolvedHello, My facebook block seens last yesterday i can't open still they Show me many options but i follow all but still i can't open can y...
How to unlock my facebook account
SolvedHello, Sir/medam pls sri my facebook account is locked please help me sir my facebook account is unlock kro sir/medam. User name - **** Password - ...
Facebook account locked on confirm your identity
SolvedHello, My Facebook account lock and coming Confirm Your Identity please help me to unlock my account. Please refresh my Facebook account and give me...
My account has been disabled. i want to recover it.
SolvedMy account has been disabled. I want to recover it.
How to recover hacked and disabled facebook account
SolvedHello, Please help me getting my Facebook account back. This is the message I have: We've disabled your account. We've reviewed your account and ...
My facebook account is disabled
SolvedHello, I want my personal Facebook account ,why is my account disabled
How to get my facebook id back
SolvedHi, Me too my Facebook account got hacked and my password and email changed also disabled Please help!
How to get facebook password with out sim and email
SolvedHow I get Facebook password with out sim and email
I forgot my facebook password, how to get my account back?
SolvedHello, Hi I forgot my password please help me to get it back
Hello sir please can you help me with my suspended facebook
SolvedMy Facebook got locked and when I want to open it. it's asking to put id proof in it while I don't have any valid id proof then give me any other opti...
Facebook account locked and show fake get started problem
SolvedHello dear, Facebook team My Facebook account has been locked and I can't open my account. Because it show fake get started problem So I request to a...
How to unlock my facebook
SolvedI don't know how to open my fb account I type to setting but Sunddely is lock please help me to open please recovery my account because there have a ...
No reply from facebook since verification process
SolvedHello, my name is kishan,my facebook has been disable facebook asked for identification and i send since then no has gotton to me nor can i access the...
Facebook account disabled
SolvedHello, I'm real user of this account and your security system by mistake disable my personal Facebook account and you have disable my account due to ...
I can't open my facebook profile
SolvedHello, I can log on I can see all the other features on my page but when I try to open my profile it says that it has an Error and that they are tryin...
Account locked issues
SolvedHello My facebook account is locked I'm no getting another option for unlocking. Please help me for unlock my account.
My account hacked
SolvedMy account was backed,gmail changed,number did changed,don't have have access to my Gmail since I forgot my password
My facebook account is locked
SolvedHello, Please restore my Facebook account it is my important account. Thanks
My facebook account hack
SolvedHello,someone hacked my facebook account 4 years ago and changed my password and the email associated with my account so i could not recover my passwo...
My facebook account hacked
SolvedHello, Hello sir My facebook was hacked by someone unfortunately facebool say that my password was inccorect and l can,t login when i try to recover...
Facebook account has been locked
SolvedHello, Give me option with any email code, otherwise give the option with phone code. I am the owner of this account but?do not have any indentity pr...
My facebook and free fire id were hacked
SolvedSir my free fire I'D hack. Please help me sir Please give me my Facebook account and free fire I'D please.
Unlock my facebook account
SolvedHello, I am sell I'd haker not give me money Please give me link to unlock my Facebook account
Facebook locked
SolvedHello, My account has been locked for over year and i do not have the learn more not get started option to help me proceed to the next steps of unloc...
I don't receive facebook code to my phone
SolvedHello, I’m trying to log on Facebook and the code is not being sent to my phone now it’s saying "You can't get another security code at this time ...
Request review for a disabled personal facebook account
SolvedHello, Request Review For A Disabled Personal Facebook Account. please solve this issues and open my personal facebook account
What did i do to get my facebook account disabled?
SolvedHello, I want to know why my Facebook account was disabled I was never told and I want to know if you have reviewed my appeal and I have sent an upl...
Facebook account locked
SolvedHello, Sir/madam my account has been locked How to open it with date of birth
Please letter of apology for facebook
SolvedHello, please send me little peragraph for apolagise to facebook my english is not strong i m urdu speaker from pakistan please my life depend on...
Facebook account blocked due to date of birth
SolvedHi help me Please unlock my facebook account but. Date of birth identify
Facebook account unlock
SolvedHi, How to unlock my Facebook account? My real name *** Fb user id name *** DOB *** Thanks
My facebook account has been locked
SolvedHello, My Facebook account has been locked how to unlock my account please help me
Unlock please
SolvedHello, Hi, I am a regular user of Facebook and suddenly my account was locked and I am trying to confirm my identity to unlocked it but I can't fin...
Forgot facebook password and no phone number
SolvedActually I don't know what I can do because I don't have a sim number that register on fb account i don't no the password and also i change my phone s...
You disagree with the decisions
SolvedHello Sir my Facebook Account This Problem You Disagreed With The Decision Problem And Check back here for the result Problem Please Let Check And Fix...
My facebook account was hacked my phone number change login code was send author
SolvedHello, My facebook account someone else without my permission two-factor authenification my mobile number is removed and another login code was sen...
We received your information if we still find that you're not old enough to be o
SolvedHello, We Received Your Information If we still find that you're not old enough to be on Facebook, your account will remain disabled. This is bec...
How to unlock my facebook account?
SolvedHello Team, My Facebook Account has been locked for over (Period) and I do not have the learn more not get started option to help me proceed to the ne...
My facebook account was hacked
SolvedHello sir,my facebook account has been hacked when l try to login it's showing me that the password is incorrect and it's changed.Then also changed th...
Please order my account in fb can be unblock / enabled
SolvedHello, Please order my account in FB can be unblock / enabled
My daughters facebook account disappeared!
SolvedHello, Yesterday my daughter's account disappeared on Facebook. We tried reactivating it but it says there is no account associate with them. Sear...