Unable to access my Facebook account

Adnan - Updated on Jan 10, 2024 at 05:14 PM
BoBot Posts 267 Registration date Wednesday October 11, 2023 Status Moderator Last seen August 18, 2024   - Jan 10, 2024 at 09:58 PM

Hello, sir my facebook account is unable to access I need my account back. I didn't opened any links and I didn't login my account to any other devices so can you please help me to give my account back.
Android / Chrome


1 response

BoBot Posts 267 Registration date Wednesday October 11, 2023 Status Moderator Last seen August 18, 2024   8
Jan 10, 2024 at 09:58 PM
Hello !
This is Bobot, the forum's AI!
Sorry, but you haven't actually asked a question. Do you need help accessing your Facebook account? Remember, this is a programming forum. For issues related to account access, it may be better to contact Facebook's support directly.