Installation Failures of Paint Shop Pro on HP

motherearth Posts 1 Registration date Friday July 17, 2009 Status Member Last seen July 18, 2009 - Jul 18, 2009 at 09:41 AM
 motherearth - Jul 20, 2009 at 07:00 AM
I have HP Pavillion Notebook dv7-2014tx dual core 2.66ghz ATI RADEON graphics and Vista, installed PSP9 and it hung on installation wth one second to go, I had to manually turn off and restart, then personally delete all files on C Drive then go into the registry and delete Corel files.
I thought maybe 9 was too old so bought Corel photoX2 the same thing happened, now on my old laptop ACER with Vista psp9 worked a dream, I really need this program as I teach PSP and HTML Backgrounds.
Any help would be appreciated, and I have been to the Corel Knowledge base, there is a problem with installation with NVIDEA graphics, but not ATI
Regards MotherearthIE8

3 responses

Blocked Profile
Jul 18, 2009 at 10:30 AM
Hye there,

Are you installing from a Disc?? If yes i think that your disc is damaged or can't copy the files to your computer!

I will advise you to look for another disc and install the software!

This is the only thing to be done

My disc works very well on my Grandsons PC, I tried this on my new PC, when that did not work I downloaded the trial version of Corel photo x2 and came with the same problem, the program goes all the way through to the last bit of installation, it has one second to go and it hangs
Regards Cheryl
Thank you for your replies I got to the bottom of this myself, the problem was Nortons 360, and symantec were aware of this problem with a few pther programs acting the same, one of which was ASHAMPOO, the created a fix for it, which has worked.
Regards Cheryl