Is it BSOD or a hardware issue?

Momofteen - Jul 27, 2009 at 09:11 AM
sadgurl Posts 697 Registration date Thursday May 14, 2009 Status Member Last seen November 24, 2010 - Jul 27, 2009 at 10:21 AM
My daughter's Dell Dimension 4500 will not boot.
On power up, I get the Dell Splash Screen with press F2 or F12, then a black screen with a blinking cursor in the left corner. Continuous beeps. Keyboard is locked up with pause break and scroll lock lit up.
CD drive seems to work properly but I can not boot from CD, nor any function keys.

I did a hard shut down and powered up again. Splash Screen, Keyboard locked, continuous beeps. This time, a message came up that system could not find a boot file. Can't find the paper I wrote the name on, (sorry).

Hard shut down and powered up again to boot from CD with XP disk in. Splash Screen, Keyboard locked, continuous beeps, no boot message. Just black screen with blinking cursor.

I might also mention that my daughter told me that after houseguests left, her computer was unstable and she ran Spybot. I noticed that the display was unstable.

After a day of searching, I've read that some of this indicates virus, the mobo, the hard drive, a corrupt file, the keyboard, a power failure, or a RAM problem.

Where do I start?

2 responses

ermm if you can be more specific, what OS r u using, how many beeps dis you hear etc. You can see here for reference :

now on the troubleshooting part. I guess the house guest have nothing to do with it. Some times the hardware will go berserk out of nothing. Sometimes it's because of power fluctuation and from the previous cases I had before, the System Unit basically your PC is pushed to the wall causing the VGA connection or Keyboard and mouse connector to bent and causes connectivity problem. This may also causes the VGA card connection to the mobo to slide or slant o bit causing hardware error. Here is how you can start

1. Try resetting CMOS by locating the CMOS jumper and shorting it.
2. Boot up
1. Take out your VGA card (if any) RAM module and also the SATA/IDE connector from the mobo.
2, Take out the processor (i know it sound ridiculous but believe me.. it sometimes work)
3. Clean it if possible and reconnect all the item properly.
3. Check for VGA cable defect near the connector.
4. Boot up
5. Your system may not boot / boot for a while and shuts down again on first attempt
6. Retry

If there is still an issue, i would say that you may have defected hardware and need replacement. My guess is the RAM module or the MoBo. Defected HD will shows message like "Invalid system disk" or "Non system disk error". I wouldn't say its the OS issue since your system did not pass the POST procedure. Hope you still have the warranty for the PC.
sadgurl Posts 697 Registration date Thursday May 14, 2009 Status Member Last seen November 24, 2010 219
Jul 27, 2009 at 10:21 AM
hi there,

start by the memory card

replace the ram but with the same frequency

or it will crash your system soon
