Hardware Related Problem

Abhi - Aug 4, 2009 at 11:45 PM
 Abhi - Aug 6, 2009 at 07:45 AM

Last sunday I started my computer but that was not fully booted even I tried to boot computer in safe mode but it was not booted. Some times it reached on the disk checking stage and then hang up, some time it reached on the login screen and hang up and some time it hanged up with starting. I tried ten to fifteen time to boot computer but it was not booted properly. Then I decided to format and reinstalling the window.

On Tuesday I borrowed a XP bootable CD from my friend and tried to boot system with CD but my computer was not saving the bios settings. then after some times ram sound was also gone.

Now the condition is when I power on the computer, no sound appear and light of monitor continously blinking.

Please tell me what to do......................

1 response

Blocked Profile
Aug 5, 2009 at 08:35 AM
hello sir,

Can you atleast access the bios ?

Check the cable that connect your monitor and also check your memory modules

Hello dear,

I have checked all the connection of my computer. All connections are proper and ok but problem is still there that when I switch on my computer then nothing happen only monitor starts blinking and no sound appear.

suggest me I purchased this computer before near about 7 years and i have never changed its battery, previously with the problem of battery my computer never showed the correct date and time.

I manually checked my battery and I think it was totally dead.

What to do now. ...........................