How to install xp-sp2 in Gateway T6859u noteb
I hav Gateway T-6859u laptop with 64-bit vista.
But I'm unable to some of my programs like Oracle9i,Tomcat, Weblogic ,MyEclipse etc..
So i want to change it to XP-SP2.
but there is no option in BIOS to change the SATA option.
Please anybody tell me how to install XP. As I cant use that laptop since non of my programs are running.
please reply me soon..
I hav Gateway T-6859u laptop with 64-bit vista.
But I'm unable to some of my programs like Oracle9i,Tomcat, Weblogic ,MyEclipse etc..
So i want to change it to XP-SP2.
but there is no option in BIOS to change the SATA option.
Please anybody tell me how to install XP. As I cant use that laptop since non of my programs are running.
please reply me soon..
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3 responses
Question 1:
Is it possible for you to reach the partition level?
If yes, pls, delete the partition and create a new one.
Is it possible for you to reach the partition level?
If yes, pls, delete the partition and create a new one.
Yes I have the same problem... however I know the problem is xp doesnt support sata hard drives and I currently trying to find a way to add support to my xp cd.... but 6 tries so far and nothing... google boot xp on sata drive tho and you will get alot of help... Good luck
Had the same issue, had to use a program called n-lite to add the notebook's sata drivers onto the windows disk image, then reburn the disk. This will allow XP to see the sata drive. Even the floppy drive method didn't work for me.
There are a few resources on how to add drivers, update service packs, even patches, to a windows install CD so you don't have to do all of it after you install.
There are a few resources on how to add drivers, update service packs, even patches, to a windows install CD so you don't have to do all of it after you install.
Oct 11, 2009 at 12:04 AM
thanks 4 ur reply.
yes I've tried that one, but it is showing 'no disk found' while reaching the partition level.
I can't even make the partition ..
please tell me if there is any other option.