Problem in formating 4gb USB drive

Naveed - Nov 24, 2009 at 12:34 AM
 Blocked Profile - Nov 24, 2009 at 02:32 AM

i have a 4gb usb drive of Kingston. I tried to format but failed, an error message was appear "windows was unable to format".

When i tried from control panel -> admin tools -> computer management -> disk management -> right click on usb and format set file system FAT32 and set default unit size then an error was occured "format can not perform successfully"

kindly guide me how i can format my usb. it shows 0 in free space and 0 in used space ...

thanks in advance

1 response

Blocked Profile
Nov 24, 2009 at 02:32 AM
Dear Sir,

Please fix the memory space problem by the following instructions:

Disk Space Memory Missing

and also confirm that the pen is not write protected and

hence not allowing you to format it. Remove the write

protection by the below mean:

Remove Write Protection On Pen Drive

Thanks in advance.