Is there any way I can remove a CD from my CD

Buddy - Nov 24, 2009 at 02:14 PM
closeup22 Posts 8923 Registration date Friday May 15, 2009 Status Member Last seen October 7, 2010 - Nov 24, 2009 at 02:27 PM
I put a CD in my CD drive on my computer's tower, but then the computer itself malfunctioned and won't come on. I turn the power switch on but it won't come on. I would like to retrieve that CD from my CD drive, but the drive doesn't open if I have no power (I've tried it). Is there any other way to get a CD out of a drive in a computer tower if no power is getting to the computer?

1 response

closeup22 Posts 8923 Registration date Friday May 15, 2009 Status Member Last seen October 7, 2010 2,099
Nov 24, 2009 at 02:27 PM
hi there,

use a pin or a thin wire of diameter 1mm

insert it the hole next to open button on cd drive panel

it will open then pull it and remove cd
