Excel Macro Help: find, copy, transpose

Jay - Sep 4, 2008 at 05:44 PM
bhattjai Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday September 3, 2008 Status Member Last seen September 7, 2008 - Sep 7, 2008 at 08:57 PM
I need a macro that will go down column A and recognize the words "Defendant Address:" and then copy then transpose the info after it and the 2 lines below it to columns B, C, and D. In the example below, I need it to copy the text "Some guy" and place them in column B, the text "Some Address" in columb C (obviously in the row right next to the "Some guy" text) and the text "Some City, ST, Zip) and place it in the column D in the row next to the previous text. I need the macro to go all the way down the column and do this will all entries that have "Defendant Address". However, the tricky part is that sometimes the address will be blank! I need it to SKIP over that info if the address is blank (the line below that states Some address") would be a blank line. I would really appreciate any help with this. Thank you in advance!

Defendant: some guy

Defendant Address: some guy

Some address

Some City, ST, ZIP

Plaintiff: Someone else

Number: 12345

Vendor Number: 6789

Date: 8/28/2008

Filing Type: CIVIL SUIT


Amount: $ 15,000

County Filed: HUDSON


1 response

Dim cCell As Object 'Okay so what you need to do is create an object to work with the current cell so
Cells (1, "A").Select 'Then make sure you are starting at the very top so
For Each cCell In Range (Cells(1, "A"), Cells(1, "A").End(xlDown)) 'Then go through each cell in column A
If InStr(1, cCell.Value, "Defendant Address: ") > 0 Then ' Search for Defendant Address:
cCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Mid(cCell.Value,19 , Len(cCell.Value)) 'copy name to next column cell
cCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = cCell.Offset(1,0).Value 'May need to increase as per how many rows gap between

. . . . .
End If
Next cCell

This should set you on your way, just need to add another IF block to catch the blank addresses fairly straight foward.
bhattjai Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday September 3, 2008 Status Member Last seen September 7, 2008
Sep 7, 2008 at 08:57 PM
Thank you so much. I will definitely try this soon!!!